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A member registered Jun 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. 

I went for the absolute most simple way for movement, I'm glad it works good enough. Hopefully I can improve it someway. 

Thanks for the feedback. 

About the enemies right under the ship at the start: a really bad job of mine. Will raise uppermost spawn y coordinate and probably add a "get ready" message and pause before the level starts. 

Wasn't thinking about take-off missions, might be something cool to add after I've reached my set goals for the project or to include it as a bonus level. 

Thanks for the feedback. 

Hadn't thought about an indicator, will surely look into it. About the ~1px over/undershooting the platform: do you have any suggestions on how I should approach it? 

Thanks for the feedback. 

Was unsure about fuel, will probably raise it. 

Level progression has been what I've been postponing doing some balancing. Was worried that people would spend too much time on the game.