You have my thanks
Tanaka Shongwe ( Portfolio)
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In response to your quick question:
The game took me about 2 hours or so to get to where I was, I'm still trying to find a way to avoid those poison frogs, the part where I saw a lot of them which was too much for me to handle so now I'm a bit stuck. I don't know if other players got through. One part that annoys me is when I break the rails that are blocked in the middle of the road and then fixed when I come back to the same area, especially when I carry the bomb, I don't know if this is on purpose to make me find another way to get through.
The game has great communication to the player especially when the cat sits there with his shades. That gave me the feeling that it was going to be hard and it was so in to answer if I found the game intuitive yes it does because everything from certain aspects felt like it knows what the player is going to do next. Another example is when you also give the player a warning on what happens before you carry the bomb, which made me solve the riddles to gain the skill before I then carry the bomb.
So the game is great so far, Keep up the good work!
Wow you have my respect , thank you. I've looked at your feedback and it looks really critical, I've just uploaded an update about 30 mins ago
However some of the stuff that you told me about may not show up yet but the content is absolutely better than it was and its only a beta...
And by the way, be sure to send me a Link of your project so I can view it
Hey! Sorry for the delay, here is the link, I've just downloaded your game now and I'm about to open it, I just wanted to quickly share the link with you before playing your game. I'll be sure to give you feedback about the game, just let me know how I did as well.
Hey Pepperboi, I played your game.
To be honest the game stills needs a lot of work because there was no engagement for me, however I do think that the game looks good the art looks good the enemy design looks okay(enough to know that its the enemy you used the face to signify that).
What went wrong
First: The player movement
This destroyed the engagement to me because the player movement is slow, I got really bored. It took a really long time moving forward and to make up for that were the enemies on the way which was fine. I didn't enjoy the player movement at all.
Second: The Letters
I'm not sure why there isn't one button that you press when shooting but If that defines the games uniqueness then that fine. The problem that I have is the fonts for certain letters like G and C . I got confused. The fonts makes look the same, It does look different in comparison but when one of these letters are not together, Like G is next to A or C is next to T. I end up pressing the wrong letter because the letters look similar.
Third: the AI navigation
Looking at the following picture from below, the AI does not have a proper navigation towards its player. It gets stuck on a wall which isn't very good to be honest because now this lowers potential challenges. I almost makes it as if the enemy is blind. The enemy needs to avoid the wall more than chasing the player, this approach could make the game better.
Fourth: Player Feedback
Now from this, it simply means that the enemies do not have a death animation or there is no sound effects. Even when I collect health. This does not give me any form of satisfaction, It isn't very rewarding when to me as I play the game, this lowers engagement because its supposed to boast my sense of dopamine by giving me little rewards like this. This is what could make the game have high quality and better engagement if you apply these things that are missing, potentially adding some feel to the game.
Fifth: Pause Menu
The game has no pause menu instead there is a reset button. The game needs a pause menu for me to navigate backwards. Almost every game we play has to have some sort of navigation that takes us back to Main menu or a way to stop. A reset button may not help, the game needs to have a pause menu .
The game has the potential to improve but its currently lacking a lot. I had to be honest about the game otherwise the game would not improve whatsoever. Now please take account that I am not trying to bad person, I'm giving you feedback as to what the game really needs to become better.
Thank You!
Hello, I'm looking for people with a great form of critique skills, the type that knows how to be honest, the type that is not afraid to speak his/her mind, and the type that knows what to say as soon as they look at my project.
Why does this have to do with me or how does it affect me?
Well, I'm glad you have asked. Seeing as to how contains game developers it would also be fair to also review the games of the very same members who looked at my projects, that would not hurt now, would it? not only that but it would also be good to meet people like that have common interests in game development! Maybe some form of collaboration to create something extraordinary!
Critique this
If you were to critique a screenshot from one of my projects, what would you say about this picture, how does this describe the game? I am launching an update in a few days so keep your eyes peeled.
I am honestly looking forward to starting a community with you guys, those that decide to join.
Thank You!
Hey I'm not familiar with the Itch..IO User Interface. I was asking if you check out my game the Cube Of Astra (Downloadable):
I don't really know how to reach out to people privately so please forgive me if this is public.