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Jhonny Cortabraz

A member registered Jun 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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4 years later but the update came lololol I'm sorry, I really had this project abandoned for a long time, hoping they'll be of use for anyone to come!

Sure! send me a message through discord, you can find me as hellopasto

I've never worked with that format before and I can't find any way to test it, if you could help me testing it send me a DM through twitter that'd be great and then I could include it!

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I'm looking Into it but I don't think I can do nothing about that ): to me the app does show the demo, you can definitely get it on the website as well! you should contact directly, I'm sorry!

Hello! I've uploaded the new zip containing the spritesheets, thank you for letting me know these weren't there!

I never realized this was the case, I'll work on it and respond to the comment once I update it! sorry for the inconvenience, should be done in a couple of days

It's been quite a while but I changed it, hope in a future it can be helpful to have it like that, thanks for the reminder to the suggestion (:

Sorry for such a late response! I hadn't been around on, you're free to use it in any project you have, you don't have to credit me, but I do appreciate if you do (: and of course you can't re-sell these assets 

You are free to use it in any project! be personal or comercial, credits are not obligatory but highly appreciated (: enjoy the assets!

Should be working now! I just turned it on so idk if it'll work right away (:

I've updated the font with all these characters! I'ts been quite a long time 💀 but I hope they're of use! (:

Awesome idea tbh! you can count on it (: I hope to be able to add it in less than a week, hope you enjoy the content!

Thank you! I'm really happy to hear this pack was of use for you :3 hope you keep enjoying it!

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all the elements are 24x24px

Thank you! happy to know you liked them :)

Thank you a lot! :)

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Sorry! your email was sent to the spam section on gmail so I thought you hadn't sent anything, I already replied to you :) hope you enjoy the assets!

I'm not sure that you can send a PM through itch tho

Hello! Don't worry send me an email at and I will send you the assets :)

Hello! the payment is fixed now, you can try again and see how it goes

Yeah I'm so sorry about that, the paypal problem is fixed now if you're still interested on the project

i'm sorry for the late response ): I just fixed the paypal issue, if you're still interested you can buy it now, it should work

Oh! Thanks for letting me now :) I'll update the files as soon as I'm able to

I updated the project page, I added the alternative letter "a" files so you can try them out :)

Yeah of course, just add credits to the project :)

Oh! sure, I'll do an update later on today adding a new font with the "ɑ" instead of "a" :)

Thank you! and not really at the moment, at least not for this project ): (It will eventually happen but I can't promise you anything)

Hey! thank you for making a video! really glad to hear you liked it, i really liked the idea of incorporating the global high score list, and maybe adding a little more of depth to the game, i might do an update really soon about that, oh and... yeah... they're not actually pentagrams haha, anyhow, thanks for the video and for the feedback! :)

Oh! I totally forgot about cthulhu, just added the description, my mistake haha, anyhow, i will fix that in a little patch right now

Thanks for leaving some feedback! I like most of the ideas you mention in there, i like the thing about making each character have its own abilities, about the "golden enemy" that's its actual function, to make the player unable to see for a couple of seconds, you could look at it being something like a flashbang from CS, oh! About the hand at the start, that's... actually just a bug haha, i'll be updating the game today fixing that bug and also add those features about every character having its own abilities, more info in the shop, and maybe modifying the mechanic ok the bulb/golden enemy.

Anyhow, thanks for the feedback, i'm really glad you've liked the game so far :)