do Nina's texts work for you in the CH. 5 free play. they don't show for me. I'm thinking i might have accidentally ignored her when she was unlocked while i was unlocking all her images, but I'm unsure if it's that or a bug.
how do i get photo number 9 for Becca on ember? tried every option and couldn't figure it out. also couldn't figure out how to get the last three photos of Bree and the 11th photo of Eve in the my photos for the camera.
sry for the late reply but i started a new game and got a refund for the lockpicks before heading over there and it worked, but it seems if u dont do that you get stuck there
im stuck in the bandit camp of chapter 4, i can go on the hill, and bridge and into the cabin. that's it. when i go up to the trapdoor it says i need to ask G.G. for a refund. i have no saves before this point. what do i do?