Hello Joel, congratulations on 1.0 release! That being said, I've a question about a confusion I have since I purchased the game 1 year ago. On page 41 it says: "When a character takes a Challenge Roll in unstructured play, they may gain Advantage equal to the total Ranks of one Skill, Ability, and Bond". Does it means that when I roll, if they are all relevant, I can add a Skill an Ability and a Bond rank on a roll (so for example if I have a skill at 2 rank, Ability at 1 rank and Bond at 3 rank, I will add a total of 6 Advantage) OR I can only add ONE Skill, Ability or Bond (the one with the highest rank), regardless if they were would be all relevant to the roll? (Given the previous example, I will take only the Bond at 3 rank because is it the highest and ignore the Skill and Bond ranks). TIA for any answer!
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Thank you so much for your reply. I'm actually looking for a middle ground between a Pathfinder 2e and something more streamilined such as OSR, but while looking for a game like that in the past I was usually left "disappointed" by the lack of depth of characters and monster options, so that's why I was a little scared when I read about the online opinion. But truth to be told, reading and testing the actual game is the only way to be sure if it is what I'm looking for, so I will need to think about it a little longer. But I will surely follow closely the project as it grows and develop!
While the premises of the system looks very promising, for a 20 $ purchace I'm a little hesitant because after reading some post on reddit about playtesting the system, they said that overall the differences between characters and their roles feels minimal, abilities are very basic and not much interesting, with positioning being the only main true tactical depth. Also I'm concerning that the gameplay and character building will just reduce to being able to gain enough speed to always be able to backstab an enemy, almost one shotting it, with any other ability (especially buff or debuff) being secondary at best.
I don't want to sound cynical or antagonistic, far from it I'm really interested in the game developing, but as a tactical game I expect a certain degree of depth and abilities (both for characters and monsters) to be interesting and not basic (like only changing range and targeted squares).
Any reassuring thoughts about my concerns would be highly appreciate!
First of all congratulations for your work, it looks extremely polished and well-made already, you should be really proud of it!
As a minor typo, I noticed that at pag 12 on the Player's Guide there is a sentence that said
"Players gain 1 baggage for each instance of relevant baggage they have to the card game at hand". I think the first "baggage" should be instead "Advantage" but I'm not 100% sure.
And last but most important, I just discovered that the game was lanched on backerkit but already finished! Is there any chance to still partecipate to the project?
While I like almost every approach and design decisions about this game, I think I have to make one criticism to this otherwise very well done system. You need to roll too many dice. In my humble opinion, this create two major problems 1) Challenge Rolls being very cumbersome to roll and calculate, and in unstructured play specifically it can be daunting for GMs to come by ways to justified rolls with many successes with consequences that actually matter 2) Physically speaking at some point you need to roll dice in several waves, and you then need to roll the dice that showed 6.
Mine wants to be a genuine and positive criticism, and this is not to say this game is not good, far from it. I mentioned this only because I truly think that if these problems are being addressed, the game for what it does will become almost perfect 👌
I really like how each class feels unique both in play and conceptually thanks to the Roles table! A feedback could be to insert it in the description of the class to better help pick the right one (for example, in the Earthmagus class description add Role: Defender and Subrole: primary Ward, secondary Heal and Spread.
I really cannot express how much I love this game, it is elegant, deep and intutive. My only true complain/feedback is that customization, especially at higher levels, depends exclusively on "multiclass". I would LOVE to see a couple more standards/powers/reactions in each class, but I understand that given the numerous classes the design space is already very strict and there is the concrete risk of making new designed standards/powers/reactions feeling too similar to the ones already in the game.
That being said, keep doing the good work!
Hello there! First of all, congratulation on the developing of this fantastic game, it works really well and have tons of potential! I have two questions to the designer, tough. Since HP are always full at the start of a combat and they usually reset from one to another, how would make sense to mechanically handle traps or obstacles outside of combat that makes sense to inflict some kind of penalties/euhastation to the characters? These are few of my own ideas:
- Start the next combat with fewer HP than normal.
- negative Escalation (so that it instead subtract from the Total, and slowly reset and eventually become normal).
- Disadvantage on all rolls in the first round of combat.
- Inflicting temporary Burdens (this is probably more fitting for representing penalties outside of combat).
And how to determine if the players can avoid it or not? I presume by using Asset to avoid them in case the Asset makes sense for the obstacle/trap in question, but I'm afraid it willl feels punishing since Assets can be used only once per session each.
Thank you for reading it and very curious about your answer (hopefully)!