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While I like almost every approach and design decisions about this game, I think I have to make one criticism to this otherwise very well done system. You need to roll too many dice. In my humble opinion, this create two major problems 1) Challenge Rolls being very cumbersome to roll and calculate, and in unstructured play specifically it can be daunting for GMs to come by ways to justified rolls with many successes with consequences that actually matter 2) Physically speaking at some point you need to roll dice in several waves, and you then need to roll the dice that showed 6. 

Mine wants to be a genuine and positive criticism, and this is not to say this game is not good, far from it. I mentioned this only because I truly think that if these problems are being addressed, the game for what it does will become almost perfect 👌 

Thank you for the feedback. I do agree that a lot of dice are rolled, and I am looking into some ways to streamline it for physical play (optional or otherwise). I can't promise anything, but I'm grateful to hear your take!

Even an optional rule, so that one could choose based on their group preference, would be extremely cool!