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A member registered Sep 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!!! Glad you found the paralyse strategy and find the bunnies interesting!

This is such a cute and fun game!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I tried to make getting the ingredients a bit of a quest, but my brain blanked on how so I just wound up making it a case of going to the flowerbeds.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, paralyze is a bit OP. Glad you found one of the solutions to the battle puzzle though!

Thanks for playing! The battles are kind of like a puzzle that requires figuring out what status condition stalls the enemy the best.

Thanks for playing! Glad you went and found some of the little secrets!

Thanks for playing! RPG maker is really nice with the base music that you get with it.

Thanks! RPG Maker MZ pulled a lot of weight with handling all the menus and settings, so I was able to spend time making the ingredient acquisition cool. The fights are intended to be puzzles, and applying status effects is basically mandatory.

Thanks for playing! I considered making the rabbits foot part of the random set of ingredients, but due to how it works in alerting one of the wolves, decided that it'd be a guaranteed ingredient in the potion. I definitely could have made the battles more of a puzzle, but didn't want to delve too far into it for the amount of time I had to get the game polished and published.

This was fun; short but sweet!

This is one tough cookie! I keep throwing myself at this game and seeing what sticks. 1 candle placed is my record so far. Great work!

Thanks for playing! Glad you thought the combat was epic.

Thanks for playing! I figured that seeing as the game was short with very few possible battles, I'd make the battles tough; like mini-puzzles of their own.

Thanks for playing!

Wool of bat is holly, and there's a tree that particularly stands out in the bottom right corner of the garden that you can get it from.

Thank you! It worked.

Thanks! Could you tell me how? Whenever I try to upload the windows executable, it replaces the file that gets embedded.

I just submitted a game for a gamejam and I want to have a downloadable executable alternative to the HTML embed so that people with a slow internet connection can properly enjoy my game.

Is this possible?

It's about the broken trust. Even if it's "nothing compared to x store fees" and the company CAN pay it, it is still a stinky move that would make anyone say "nope I don't want to work on an engine that would even think to treat me like trash".

A lot of studios will drop the engine, so as someone trying to get into the industry, I'm affected as my experience in Unity is now mostly dead weight with only the C# knowledge and logic knowledge being worth anything.

Thanks. I just have such bad luck that I felt that I needed to ask.

I was planning on using Unity, but look what's happened. I can hardly work on my own current project without wanting to cry because of how messed up this whole situation is. So I want to use RPG maker MZ for this game jam.

I don't know what I'll do. I know Unreal Engine, but the workflows are so different, and UE5 makes my laptop run hot, which is awful to work with in the warmer seasons.

All the unity games I'll make and distribute myself are free, so I shouldn't have to worry about paying for people installing my game, but I'm actually shaking right now and feel sick. Not in the internet user terms of it, in real terms. I'm feeling actually physically unwell. I had to get a good friend of mine who doesn't have a Unity account to send in a support/complaint ticket to unity support on my behalf cos I don't know how malicious they'll be to some nobody like myself disagreeing with them.

I really hope the backlash of large studios pulling their games from sale makes unity company rethink what they're doing and stop this stupidity.

I was planning on using Unity for a game jam, but it looks like I'll be using RPG maker MZ instead.