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A member registered Sep 13, 2022

Recent community posts

It happen to me too... I hope change

yes I do stop there too... what should we do?

I have a question about tower, after league one the room name is dirtyleague and it seems open when get rank 25 or better, my  question is If it open to many players, why they try to find 25 rank again? is it close after a few days? or remaine Open? I dont reach this rank, if anybody knows about this, please leave a comment,,, thx already

a new update corrects silver coins number, but in rating list, its not true yet (about half of achivement)

Me too, I'm in 15th Event goal and I have 1675 silver coin insted of 4425 plus any chest that I've open till now

I havent reach that position yet, but I think you can dissipate that cards to libido dust and use it for occasion times 

anybody cant help?

I wonder where do  you find toys?

Hi, how can I earn  toys? 5 first rows of toys earned by upgrade level of hero, but where can I found other stuff?(except spend money for sure)

Hi, I think its about floor of tower, i get more common chest at lower floor (not sure, but it seems true)

I did change the topic as you recommend, thx pal

wow, so many question! I know these:

new girls are in shop chest (5%chance to get new one) or event or at shop (should pay money)

about packs, they have series of card (rare pack have rare cards, not all of them!, mythic pack have mythic cards) and you have to choose one of them (if they are same to you, pick the one whichhave greater number)and yes, It has lake of information about which cards to choose and  number of theme

(3 edits)

Hi. I create this topic for asking questions and Im sure each player who knows the answer, help us about that... 

I start!

Is anybody knows about Items slots? mine is near to full (I have16 items and I see only 18 slot). If I get more than 18 items, what's happen to it? is it remain or I waste that?

I think 6 slower for fire or water or earth is more interesting, 6 slower for dark is already exist

(1 edit)

New Event: new Yellow cards again, change game rule: 100%extra damage from gems to the  LIGHT card, BUT  active skill recharge 12 gems SLOWER to LIGHT card too...  Ability: change rows and columns to light gems

Im in, it seems OK

Why I cant play anymore? is anybody else have this problem?

what is Error DL7102-5 ApiError: /openBooster

I can't play  for last 5 min...

it appears after open one of mission chests

at Tower on League 4 ,amount of gold is 80 per win, at league 3 it raise to 85 and at league 5 it reduce to 75 per win, But  you have to distroy the chest you rewarded because your chest fields is already full ( 4 empty slot if you dont buy more)

Thx SilverRay

Hi, what happen in treasure cave? I dont open it yet and read info , is anyone can explain or send picture of inside cave orexplain treasures? i have 5/25 water, 4 light, 5 fire, 3 earth and 6 dark, should I inter and took rewards or stay till have levelup and and then Inter the cave? thx already

it solved. Thx.

I can't play World Bosses just at Fire one (Red one), and show me the Error DL7102-5 and I can't start fight there

it was my first Colosseu and I didn't know any rules about, so for first 24 hour I miss more than half fights,

 so I recommend that put the information somewhere (maybe at home page put in info icon or help button) 

and I saw some items for first time too (even if I saw before maybe forgot those!) information about them is appear just when we take it (at achivement Items) not on Colosseums map (or maybe show the list of Items by name and abilities at somewhere else and put in info icon)

I'm new, and i haven't seen colosseum  yet,  what happen there and what kind of reward can be takken?

I think its better than event missions are show as list, so we can play by knowing what happen next, if you agree (or disagree) please leave comment

funny, not?! I stop there too, maybe they want us to find cards luckely at towers box!!!

Hi, Im level 20 and reached to league 4 with 6533Hp, So I dont know about league 1 or collosseum,
But I have the same issue,
1- Pirate Silver make your hole event rank (and reward) improve, but its better than remain for next event or can change with key

2- If levelUp rewards gem is this much (50 as you said), I wont levelUp anymore till Hooligart increase it,

3- about silver coin could better if all boxes have it, like free box, 5 complit tower (blue) box and all mission boxes, 

4- At the end, I think people like you that help creators to improve the game deserve some gift at game,

Have a great time

what's happen?  when I defeat event rare monster, instead of maestria (Rare Event) from Tamelesses group, I got Asira from Adored Ones group... It happen when I defeat Commen Event, I mean I got Nareema Instead of Ophelia... that's weird

Hi, I like new appearance, but 

in tower there isnt time remaining showup for boxes at new appearance,