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Event Schedule 2022 Sticky

A topic by Hooligart created Sep 29, 2022 Views: 2,832 Replies: 18
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The planned sequence of additional content in the game until the end of this year:
New Event (7 days), 1 day later starts a repeat of the old Event (7 days)

World Bosses - Tuesday (next week)
Colosseum - Friday (tomorrow)

P.S. There will be new rewards in the Colosseum. There will also be a surprise in the World Bosses.

Have a good game and stay tuned!


Do we have to start all over again when we play past events?

Otherwise, should we continue playing from where we left off those past events?


Old events start from the beginning like new ones

Is Market not coming back?


There will be no more Pussy Market. It will soon be replaced by a new mode

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Well someone smart is handling the things now in IT/management, as many changes now are good - 

1. Daily ranking rewards in girl events and increased rewards for every rank Tier (Rank 11-20,21-30 etc.); as well more reward for higher Tier (more lesser rarity girls - common/rare/epic) .

2. Packs instead of fixed girl card  as reward in Colosseum event. Increasing applause bonus for top extra reward (Mythic Pack/crystal Pack) - as total numbers of girl cards have now been increased. So this is one of plausible good compromised way of limiting reward .

Looking forward and expect some fun changes later also.  keep up the good work.

Kindly also look into providing better game User Interface buttons (like disable/quick animations, sorting girls based on rarity in girl selection window, option to disable nude, optional good music) for players. NOTE: "Take off all Toys" - already implemented => Thanks for that

it was my first Colosseu and I didn't know any rules about, so for first 24 hour I miss more than half fights,

 so I recommend that put the information somewhere (maybe at home page put in info icon or help button) 

and I saw some items for first time too (even if I saw before maybe forgot those!) information about them is appear just when we take it (at achivement Items) not on Colosseums map (or maybe show the list of Items by name and abilities at somewhere else and put in info icon)

I'm still not impressed with the world bosses.😥🤔

By the way Hooligart,

Can't you give us the past event from the quest we stopped? (Like in the World Bosses event)

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What is with this ridiculous increased chance in getting Epic chest? Mind you that I have already used 2 epic keys as well.

OK had a forced break for 8 hrs. BUT wtf? is it i am jinxed during this event. [I can recall that in one Pussy event (way back), i did not got even one epic chest during the whole event much to my dismay and frustration]. Please consider increasing the number of epic keys reward in Colosseum event


This game progressively gets updated to make things way harder than free to play players can actually achieve. Most events are such a grind and no fun. This game used to be fun before everything became about forcing the player to pay to get better. This game has become garbage.


I am a new player and I'd be willing to pay.  Except the game is designed like it doesn't want my money.  Every purchase is a separate credit card transaction, rather than buying an amount of in game currency for use on purchases like every other pay to win game in existence.  Surely it maximizes visa fees and discourages payment so they can't be benefiting from this set up.  There is not enough information to make an effective purchase, a person could spend a couple grand and still not be able to participate in events in a meaningful way.  Worse still they only use a scummy payment processor, I got a lock on my card and a call from the bank when I tried to make a purchase, only to look up epoch on better business bureau.  I am literally trying to give them money and the game just isn't set up to do it safely or well.


I agree with the other guy. 

I would gladly pay but paying does not seem to make a difference (spent $70 and still did not progress at all)

Seems like the developer wants to conduct some kind of social experiment rather than make money :D


Make a difference in this game in the new year. It can lead to the excitement of the players. Put an end to the current idle schedule in the game. (Seven Days New Events and Seven Days Old Events)

There are many unfair things in this game.

1. Consider the daily/event rankings of the seven-day events.

The players who pay and unlock all 5 rooms will receive a large amount of pirate silver and stay in the top rankings for the entire week. (45 quests = 50-55k pirate silver)

2. Consider buying new girls.

There is no new event to buy a new girl who was missed in a previous event. It is a big loss. There is no point in giving a seven day old event, because it starts from the first quest too.

3. As for the World Bosses event, 

it's very boring. Because, same colour girls are fighting. Even if we have perks, they also give advantage to the enemy. And they have millions of HP.

4. Consider killing an enemy in an event.

Even if we open the mythic room with difficulty, we can't get a chance to get the cards of that mythic girl. (Because of this time range - mythic monster=8 hours)

Earlier, when we opened the card packs, you gave us the opportunity to randomly pick any girl's card. But now only the cards of the girls we have opened earlier are received from the packs.

THE PIT --> You have not presented yet.

We expect a fair and fun game from you next year.


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Hey Bro 

1. No matter you make any kind of changes to rules/goals, those who are willing of Pay will ALWAYS have advantage over the freebees. Bro you need to grow up - Life itself is NOT fair. Right from the moment you make your cry (at birth) - you have different privileges - A child born in millionaire family to a child born in slums, life has decided many things for you. You need to realize this and accept that fact that there can never be a FAIR game when money is involved or even when money  is not involved - Only thing you can get is that a game giving you close enough opportunity to compete with others. 

Bro! focus on Enjoyment you get from playing this game and do not  focus merely on results - while results surely is important, so you need to make a calculation on  what resources you have (items/girls cards/quest goals/your play Time) and how to get best result out of it. Let me tell you that you can get Daily ranking reward Pack every time at least once in  game event , even if you are not spending money. How to do this - you need to figure out yourself. 

2. New Girls and Toys.  Yes as Pussy boat is cancelled you do need an event where you can get them. Pit or whatever new event development team is working on, it has taken considerably long time. So a new event should really be there. 

3. World Bosses. This is a flawed event - just accept this fact and move on. Only target for you should be be to focus on leveling up   "key girl cards"  that you have to get from other events/Packs. 


Regarding your first point - keep in mind this is a pay to win game, those who pay will also have a big advantage. As a free to play player you should not focus on competing with the paying players, your focus should be on maximizing your rewards given your resources. If you actively try to compete with the paying players you will just make your playing experience miserable. 

As for #2, getting event mythic girl as a free player is still possible, although it involves some item savings from doing multiple coloseum. you will not unlock the mythic girl in every new event, but it's possible every few events. with the older event being repeated it's possible to eventually collect all mythic cards if you plan on playing on a long term basis.

What happened to the event that is supposed to start today?

Неужели не понятно, почему  задержка ? Чтобы не собирали серебро с сундуков в "Колизее" .Сейчас ,до мистической карты дойти не составляет никаких проблем, особенно если ты проходишь полностью "Коллизей," без учета  сундука на на 20к очков и  заданий с картами. Единственно что занимает много  времени в ивенте для меня лично это задания на собирание 25 и 45 ивент карт ну и можно сюда добавить 2000к серебра а так все достаточно  быстро проходимо достаточно  собрать ресурсы полностью с 2-3 раза в "Коллизее"

Isn't it clear why the delay? In order not to collect silver from the chests in the "Colosseum". Now, it's not a problem to reach the mystical map, especially if you go through the entire "Colliseum," without taking into account the chest for 20k points and tasks with cards. The only thing that takes a lot of time in the event for me personally is the tasks for collecting 25 and 45 event cards, well, you can add 2000k silver here, and everything is quite fast enough to collect resources completely from 2-3 times in the "Colliseum"

This development team consists of three people: a programmer, a graphic designer and a third brings them coffee.