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papa's 2

A member registered Jan 26, 2023

Recent community posts

need Help with the last one, i don't know how to get it :c

Hello, i need help with starting the mision when You meet Wuldon, Is there any desicion that blocks this quest?

The Game is Amazing and i love the arts but i don't get this thing of money, i have to increase it or i have to lower it 

If it's that then someone can tell me the Best rating? :C

Does anyone know how to help the prisoner of Victoria? (Not the Orc) i don't have any clue where to go. 

What's the effect of Choosing "encourage Logan" on the story?

How can i found Wuldon?

Has anyone had a problem with Android versión? Thats My case. When i try to play the Game it suddenly just close like nothing. The problem is pushing the bottom "start", then it stop and then close, with the other things like the CGs or configurations are okay, it works well, and then after a while like 20 or 30 minutes it close.  (I don't speak english, sorry for any Bad grammar)

I'm sorry if I can't make myself understood, I don't speak English.

why the guide says Parker's day 10 and 11, while only Lars have day 10 and 11?      Is it a spoiler?

help, im stuck with ths shit. Its been 3 days since i want to complete it :((