The Game is Amazing and i love the arts but i don't get this thing of money, i have to increase it or i have to lower it
If it's that then someone can tell me the Best rating? :C
If you want to really abuse the trading you have to write down the prices on each buying location at least 5times, to keep track of it. To get a feeling about the prices.
For lazy people - here are a few hotspots:
- Supllies are rather Cheap on Jusei, White Dough and Slusland. Can be sold in Goattown and TeaLand.
- Laquaware from Kanraku may cost around 300-800 Coins. If lucky you can sell in Tealand for 700-1400. Jade Dildo are the same. Buy them from Kanraku for 300-500 and sell them at Tealand or somewhere else for 900+
- Goldware from Jusei or Beads from Slusland can be sold to White Dough quite safely. I think Goldware got the highest win-margine in the game.
- Goattown is tricky. But if Mercuray drop under the 300 mark, its worth a try to sell it to Kanraku.
- When Tea goes under 150/200 coins, sell it to Kanraku for 300-500 coins.
In Generall, save the game before you buy tones of goods. Then sail to you desination. If the prize does not meet you exspectations, just reload.