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A member registered Nov 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi there, shield is a specific gear to be used with PIK Shieldmaiden Val, there‘s a specific slot in her hand to put the shield handle in. 

Hi there, 

Thanks for the tip! For now i just want to have i.e. 5 different set of pdf files and in 2 of those I will include the rarer character in it. And whenever someone click download, they will get a random pdf file. 

Randomizing each character like cryptokitties would be awesome too, maybe i will  think about that when im having my own website for this project! :)

I am currently trying to make a booster pack mechanic for my physical game and I would like to have several combinations of the files that contain different characters, is there a way (maybe using the butler command) so that the file will be randomized every time they purchase or download?

Many thanks in advance 

Thank you! Hope you like it

yeaboooii, keep on grindin'. You need to come back and help tho haha


I am currently developing a dexterity paper wargame called Papeon, and I am looking for someone who can help me to write the lore of the game.  Since there will be different squads and heroes in this game, I think it will be a great opportunity to help me shape the universe of the game.

In a nutshell I was thinking about something simple, maybe a one pager (in English) as a a starter. And the theme was around backyard kids, and DIY technologies that the kids use to make their toy weapons. As a reference I was thinking of the old cartoon Kids Next Door.

Please let me know if you're interested, and I can elaborate more about it. 


(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! While developing this game I actually found  an old board game called Crossbows & Catapults, which has a similar mechanic but using a proper plastic toy as a figure.  As for Paper War, I want to push the DIY and Collectible aspects, so that people can craft and customize their own paper figure. 

If you're interested, please follow the project updates on Paper War's Main Page. :)


(4 edits)

We finally released the first two squad books of Paper War, a paper board game.
Assemble your own squad consisting of gunner, spearman, engineer, and the beast of all: a paper tank

Download now and you will be amazed how easy it is to build your own paper tank that can shoot!

Choose your side:

Craft, Customise, Charge!

Thanks! :)

Hi, just tried your game, it's really fun!! Really like the simple yet strong art direction too. Congrats!

Hi thanks! Really happy to hear this. Please let me know your thoughts and any feedbacks after playing and crafting. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

(2 edits)

Hey everyone! Please check out my latest project called Paper War, a papercraft based tabletop wargame. 

Unlike any conventional wargames, Paper War’s mechanics relies mainly from the actual physical ability of the paper figure itself. That means, if a player wants to attack an enemy unit from a distant, a player must craft a paper figure that can do exactly just that! ;)

Get the Rule Book and the miniatures here

The whole project is still in progress, and there will be more characters, and items coming. 

Happy to hear your feedbacks and comments. 


Hey everyone!! I'm Aryo. I learned about this community the first time, when I was working on the design of Lingotopia. I am also a big board game and pixel-art enthusiast, and I would like to Introduce you guys to my latest project called Paper War. It's a papercraft based miniature wargame with miniatures that can actually shoot for real!  Please check it out, and I will be happy to hear your feedbacks and comments. Cheers ;)