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A member registered May 18, 2022 ยท View creator page โ†’

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Thanks. Also thank Daisy, too (sheโ€™s the main leader of this project).

The negative comments below are really old, so I donโ€™t care about them anymore, lol.


This game is really good in terms of quality due to its wonderful graphics and some music. The title screen music is a bit lower-quality than the rest.

However, the biggest drawback was the very poor optimization here because it is unbelievably laggy. Not even a gaming PC can handle this. I did note that this game is very experimental, so I recommend you should start renovating this.

On the other hand, it's a decent game. Not the best, but it's decent.

Some bugs I found myself that I will fix later:

- HP system unable to sync perfectly to variable.

- Boss clones (such as ice particles) makes you take damage and broadcast became affective to them, and sometimes creates more clones.

- Boss hits can become endless after defeated if you continue to shoot.

Ah, so my idea worked!

(1 edit)

I used that tag because I used some music that was from the Genesis, such as Sonic 3D Blast.

Not much to say for this one, but this is quite a nice game that uses the AI extension. Itโ€™s a cool concept of talking directly to an AI character, though, sometimes it feels cringe the deeper I think about it.

The only serious concern I had was the art. The artwork could be so much better, and it looks bland, especially with the characters having emojis as faces. Unless if youโ€™re not good with art, yet, and youโ€™re currently working on to improve yourself. If so, then itโ€™s understandable.

The fun also dries out after a while. Itโ€™s kind of loops over and over again. Though, I appreciate the feature to change characters after a certain amount of dates, but sometimes the date count goes lower than 0 and still counting, creating a softlock loophole.

Overall, I gave this game a 5/10. I wish I can rate it higher, but thereโ€™s a lot more you could work on.

And also, please donโ€™t feel offended or feel bad for the criticism I had to say. Theyโ€™re just simply thoughts. You can still work on the game and maybe people will enjoy more of the updates you made.

Take care. Best regards. ๐Ÿ‘

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Even though youโ€™re in 5th, your game is still good, but unfortunately, it doesnโ€™t fit with the theme apparently. I understand the description of the game you typed in, but most of us felt like itโ€™s just a puzzle game other than an AI-related problem issue that we have to solve. Therefore, thereโ€™s no AI related dialogues or anything, unless if itโ€™s all the way to the ending.

What about the gameplay? Itโ€™s quite good. The challenging puzzle levels were very nice! But due to lack of tutorials and assistances, the fun dries out as soon as we wonโ€™t be able to figure out what to do anymore. I think most of us were only able to pass 3 to 5 levels in this game. The rest of the levels clearly looks like theyโ€™re extremely hard to solve. Additionally, I think this game is WAY too much for a Game Jam. It looks like it takes way too long to complete all levels if we want to leave a fully-concluded ending, and in my opinion, it looks like to doesnโ€™t belong to a jam like this, no offense though.

Other than that, the game is overall nice. Not the best, but good. Itโ€™s just that I think itโ€™s too much for a game jam like this according to its difficultly and the amount of levels.

Overall, I give a rating of 6.5/10.

Please donโ€™t feel offended or feel bad for the criticism I had to say. Theyโ€™re simply just my thoughts about it. You can still continue to work on your game, and if you added more receipts, instructions, or assistances to the game, then I can guarantee that people will enjoy your game even more.

Take care. Best regards. ๐Ÿ‘

Thanks. Being in 1st place was my aim. I have achieved my opportunity, I had my turn. Now it's time to let someone else achieve in 1st place in the next jam. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I can load it just fine for me. Must be a network issue. Maybe try playing it Directly on Cocrea?

Oh, thatโ€™s a rendering issue. Sometimes the entire level goes black.

What do you mean?

I only have 2 but I canโ€™t share them because they are only authorized to be used for my team.

Did you made all of the pixel art yourself, or did you got them elsewhere?

I didnโ€™t make it yet. Iโ€™ll record later today since I have school. I just woke up, lol.

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Glad to hear that you liked my original Anime character. Sarah was supposed to be my teamโ€™s next original game but then I decided to make a quick game myself. I wanted to have a mixture of  Contra and Mega Man so that Sarah can aim at 8 directions and shoot while jumping as well, but I didnโ€™t have time to do all of that since the Jam only lasts for 2 weeks.

This game is kind of like Mega Man due to its difficulty and style. Itโ€™s hard, but it becomes less difficult once you learn the patterns but itโ€™ll take some time to get used to. Instead, Iโ€™ll record a full gameplay of this game myself so that people donโ€™t have to struggle with it themselves. Plus, I have a high-end gaming PC, so you can expect a very smooth gameplay since that project barely does any lag at all.

Also, fun fact: I sketched Sarah and she was born on New Years Eve. LOL.

This is a good game. It has excellent physics, but it is so easy to get a tie due to the fact that the big ball always spawns at the top, unless if that is intentionally part of the difficulty. And pretty much, I don't see a lot of downsides for this one! The art is too simple, but that's alright.

I'll give a score of 8.2/10.

Bro wth? What I said isnโ€™t rude, all Iโ€™m doing is simply trying to encourage you to be better, but this is  just like ever other 90% of the people who I talked to, who never listens to points and just fight back. Itโ€™s so disappointing how I was trying to be friendly to you but the only result I get is unsupportive words.

Well, listen, Iโ€™m not trying to be the only one here who is right and youโ€™re wrong. If you canโ€™t handle to the points I made, then weโ€™re just gonna have to set this aside and move on.

Iโ€™m just saying, try to be better next time. Itโ€™s still good that you give feedback, but just like…view at least most of the programโ€™s contents before reviewing.

No hard feelings.

(4 edits)

Ahh, there you go. You missed the most important part of the game, which is the 2nd stage and the ending. You could have pushed yourself a bit further, because the controls on the 2nd stage are far less terrible than the platformer one.

I would also like to point out here that sometimes it isnโ€™t nice to give a very poor score on someoneโ€™s game if you quit prematurely because you could have missed a lot of important details. It sometimes would be considered as disrespecting the developer, especially since they have worked hard on their games, going through the pain on the bug fixes and the intense programs they have to produce. Imagine if someone actually did that, published it, only to have people making rants against it, yeah, itโ€™s easy to tell that the developer can feel very bad, and even regret making that game. Just because people give feedback doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s going to do any good, and just because you can do something doesnโ€™t mean you should do it; there are bad people out there who gives harsh comments impulsively.
Iโ€™m not saying that you give a bad feedback or feedback and criticism is bad, though, what Iโ€™m saying is that we should all sometimes view the full contents of the program before giving feedback, while giving respect with words of encouragement to improve later on.

I played both of your games, and your content definitely has a lot less than mine, no offense, but I still give you a score higher than a 5 on both of them, while you gave me a 3/10.

In my game, I worked pretty hard at the 2nd stage and the ending cutscene, as I give a big emotional tunes into it.

It is important to elaborate on what you give feedback, and then bring your thoughts together for your final speech.

However, I still appreciate your feedback about the slippery controls on the 1st stage, because I do have to find another engine to use. Although, finding a really good, flawless, and responsive Sonic engine is very difficult, which is why a lot of Sonic engines on Scratch arenโ€™t that good. I have to use what I got, but feedback is still needed either way.

Iโ€™m not mad at you or anything. Iโ€˜m just giving you some advice so that next time, you can view full contents on another personโ€™s game, and then give your final thoughts to it as a whole, while giving encouragement to improve later on in the future, WITHOUT hurting or triggering the feelings of others. Just saying…

And speaking of feelings, donโ€™t feel bad about yourself for sharing your incomplete experience. We all make mistakes here, and what matters the most is that we all learn from our own mistakes. Even I make mistakes as well. I know most of us seen adults, yet, so what matters the most is the effort we put into our games, and then rethink about the mistakes we make so that we can improve in the future. It takes time, but weโ€™ll get through it.

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So, the music and the sound effects are also bad?

Have you reached the 2nd boss yet? Or reached the ending of the game?

(2 edits)

Well, the owner of this game cancelled the development because a bunch of kids were yelling and screaming at each other, streaming NSFW in front of 10 kids, and content theft. Yeah, I know itโ€™s sounds shocking, and cancellations of Sonic games are unbelievably common. But since you give criticism, Iโ€™ll just remix this project and then give itself my own updates just for fun, while still providing what the community desires obviously.

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Iโ€™m kind of surprised that you gave me a score that is worse than a far more inferior Sonic game I made with my other friends, while someone else gave me a 9/10 for my game.

And a 3/10 is the same score I gave to this guy:

I also have trouble understanding why people are still complaining about the keys. And second, the controls here is very simple. Itโ€™s not like Contra after all, which uses a heck a lot more complex controls than this. Also, I chose A, S, and D because I feel like theyโ€™re more modern than Z and X.

3/10 seems to be a bit too low ngl, however, the slippery controls you mentioned are true. There werenโ€™t a lot of good Sonic engines out there, and many people didnโ€™t take advantage of that. I might need to do more surfing in the future.

You canโ€™t anymore. The jam is now closed.

This game is, OK. Everything is just too basic. All you do is just move left and right to get healthy items to grow bigger, and it feels like it's just gonna go on forever.

I have to give a score of 3.3/10, sorry.

This is a nice flappy bird clone. Controls work as expected (Except the fact that touching the ground does nothing), but the design and the presentation could be a more creative and improved.

I'll give a score of 5/10.

This game is nearly perfect. Great presentation, theme, and design. I also noticed you used an extension from Scratch Lab, awesome! Instructions are in the game right when you start it, which is cool. One thing I have to mention though is that once you take down a certain amount of targets, the game becomes more laggier. I'm assume this is a clone execution issue, but everything else is cool!

I'll give a score of 9/10!

This game is kind of too basic for the most part. Controls are very buggy, it lacks background design, and the bullets move too slowly. At least we don't got a cube as a character.

This game isn't really enjoyable, so I have to give it a score of 3/10.

Sorry for giving you this poor score, so next time, try to do better by practicing more. Game design and controls are very important, so if you can try to think what needs to be done, then you can possibly try to pull it off. You can get better at some point in the future. All you have to do is just don't give up.

Title screen, check. User interface design, check. Good pixle art and characters, check. And good music, check AND check! This game is really nice as a whole!

I'll give a score of 9/10.

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I'll skip the rating for this one because there are zero instructions on how to play. I also see that this game is unfinished, so I don't think you're gonna get rewarded for this one...

Amazing game. Nice controls, presentation is nice, and the overall design is nearly perfect. This looks just as good as the classic 16-bit era!

I'll give a score of 8.5/10.

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My team loves Sonic, too! Iโ€™m sure the Sonic community on Scratch can join in with Cocrea soon! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I know this was like 3 months ago, but Iโ€™ll do some explaining. Because this game was made on Scratch/TurboWarp, the HTML packager supports game pad controls which supports all kinds of controllers, including Nintendo Switch. But the reason why it displays PS controls on the screen is because that Circle button was actually an image ported from the internet and was displayed as a sprite. Yeah, that wasnโ€™t the smartest thing to do, but itโ€™ll be replaced.

I also read the part where you press start, Sonic dies instantly. I think that is just supposed to be an emergency feature in case if the game doesnโ€™t work correctly.

And yes, there is literally no options at all. The main menu is incomplete, for some reason. So, this prototype indeed, does need work that needed to renovate the issues. But here is one problem: this game is canceled before things even go well all because one dev on the team is going nuts on the management (I canโ€™t tell you who it is btw). I also wanted to mention that MY team was in a collaboration with the SSK Team so we cut off the contract when things donโ€™t go well afterwards.

I might fox this game myself individually though, because Iโ€™m basically a master of Scratch so, I can probably fox the majority of the bugs and all of that. This game is still canceled but I enjoy fixing bugs because…itโ€™s fun. So, maybe Iโ€™ll update this later.

In case if you are wondering if there are any new updates for the game...well...I just made a devlog post just tonight, and you can see my post above, which is in the "Development log" section.

Ah, it is in here, too.