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A member registered Jun 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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Is there a walkthrough anywhere?

Hey, you got something there! While it is in rough state right now, it looks more polished that a lot of simple 2d games in the same jam, and you made it 3d, with dialogs and ship layout, AI talking head and a bunch of characters. If you polish it up, make use of all the different characters, have player cross-reference some witness testimonies and trying to outsmart the AI, I will be happy to buy the full version! The writing is a bit naive, but the there is talent shining through. It is so strange to see no comments here, I think this game is head and shoulders above most of the other contestants

Finally, after digging through endless trash I found it - a game with a well-written and well-paced story. The best thing I played this year, for sure. The twist with curtain, the humor - everything works. 

The presentation in this game is phenomenal, that little camera shake is brilliant touch that elevate the static mist-style pre-rendered backgrounds

I am importing the extension through the context menu, like you mentioned. By "files" I mean subcategories in "Extensions -> window_set_cursor". The version from the demo has only "window_set_cursor.dll" and "window_set_cursor.gml" and is working. If I export this extension and the import it to another project it will work. If I to import the extension that came as the separate download (that contains "window_set_cursor.dll, window_set_cursor.gml, window_set_cursor_dll.gml, window_set_cursor.js and window_set_cursor_else.gml"), it does not work.
But I see that game_restart() is a bad way to restart my game (I use surfaces a lot and they will probably stay in memory), so I will have to redo this section, and because of that I will avoid the bug with the extension. Thank you for the detailed answer!

It appears that there are two versions of this extension - the .gmez version (with 5 files included), and the one used in the .gmz demo (with 2 files included). It works in the demo, and if I export the 2 files version from it and import it to my project, it is working. But the game crashes on game_restart. No errors, nothing, it just freezes and shuts down. Even the simplest project, even your demo, if you add game_restart() on button push. The big version (with 5 files) does not crashes, but I also can't make it work. Just importing the extension and putting "window_set_cursor_sprite(spr_test, 0)" at the beginning does it for me with the small version and does nothing with the big one (the rest of the project is the same). So is there a way to make a small version to not crash on game_restart, or am I doing something wrong with the big version?