Very cool idea! Also visuals and audio make it look scary as it should be. Also it would be good to see (just my opinion) a light from flashlight to be in center. I know that it doesn't look that realistic, but it is better for player to see what are they looking at right now. Because when you come close to the wall too close, light disappears (goes into the wall).
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Very cool game and idea! But, unfortunatelly, I had problems:
- Couldn't press buttons (usually neededto press like 5-10 in order to press them)
- Character lags when ammo is out and it stays in one place
- When ammo is out and you still press shoot button it plays audio for shooting and doesn't shoot
- At one time (like after 4-6 run) shop lagged. I pressed button "More ammo", it said -1000$ but didn't take any money from my "wallet".
I'm sorry to hear that. I already know about issue with AZERTY layout. Didn't think about it, because this layout is not used in my country. At least I learned something new :) Also thank you for helping with making task clearer. I really didn't know how to make it more clear. And I played your game and wrote feedback before.
I would like to receive more feedbacks on my game to know what I need to improve. In return I will rate (and feedback) your games. Link -
Good game with a vise message! But: when I fixed capsule text about fixing it didn't disappear. Also it would be cool if there would be two button for cutscenes: 1. To skip current speaker. 2. To skip full dialog. Also it would be cool if screen fade was a bit faster, because I pressed space and I don't know if my game lagged or it really pressed.
Very cool idea! I liked you how you create more challenges through the game. But (maybe it's meant to be):
- It would be good to see your current score in the corner of the screen
- When you collect glasses of wine near the bar and you walk simultaneously the glasses will appear outside of plate and fall
- It would be good to see exit button on game over menu
- It would be good to see ufo ray appearing indicator before it will actually appear, becuase you have no time to react when it appears
Hello! Try out my visual novel Without Us! I will try yours tomorrow (if you don't mind). Just reply me here if I will forget. Link for my game -
Try out my visual novel Without Us! Here you will find out how the world where nothing can go wrong looks like. Unfortunatelly, for peaople with azerty layout will be very diffcult to play my game, as my game uses keycodes of pressed keys. I will try out your games too (but maybe not that quickly, because I'm busy these days)! Here is my link -
Lol, even with your tips I still spent 30 minutes figuring out what I need to do. First I tried looking on the wall before entering computer, then I tried pressing arrow keys, then WASD then retrying it for 10 times. And after that I figured out that there are numbe on the walls. To be honest, those type of numbers are used veeeeery rarely in my country. Thank you so much for helping me! And I'm sorry for asking so many questions.
Thank you, I finally understood what to do. But I found two ore one bug:
- When you renamed one file to txt, then entered desktop, then back to those files, then click (open, not rename), it says that it is bad extension.
- Can't exit computer. Or I must rename two files? (as I understood, if I don't open not important file it will be good ending)