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A member registered Oct 08, 2022

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Is this a new bug?  Whenever almost every match I am getting this in tower.  I thought it was just my phone internet during the hurricane but it seems to be persisting.  Aside from the graphic I will finish my turn and do no damage to the opponent.

Would post this to discord but unable they demand phone verification for me to be able to use the account.

-edit it is only the fallen agency ability chop that does it.  If I use it it makes tower effectively unwinnable.

Certainly makes tower a lot harder for me.  If they couldn't one shot me before having 2x 100% buffs means they can.  That might be the intent.

Only my second new event since I started.  Have to say this one seems superior in every way to piss factory.   Quality theming and monster design.  

Is there any way to get the nymphos girls?  I've never seen them in a shop nor gotten even a common from a chest.  Is the only way to wait for an event?

On that note how does the shop work?  It seems to be the only way to get more toys.  But it always rotates the same items, that happen to correlate to the element of my deck.  If I change decks will it present more desirable items?

How does event rating work?  For example it is the first day of an event, the event rating chart is six times higher than the daily rating chart.  So where do those numbers come from?  Is purchased silver not reflected on daily rating or perhaps the daily rating is split into several smaller pools?

How do packs work?  For example I see a mythic pack in the shop but no idea if it is worth it for lack of information.

Also seeking general advice on optimized strategy.  How to get stronger, where to put resources, what things I should save for events and so on.

Healing gems provide no significant effect.  It is just a filler block.  It does not influence outcomes or strategy in any meaningful way yet there is an entire line of girls skills and a perk relating to them.  Might be worth an update just to avoid having outdated dead features.  Even having a gem replenish 1% of health would at least be an improvement.  3% per gem, doubling with the perk, might make it a viable strategy.  

There is a large increase in difficulty between each tower league.  It isn't something that I seem to be able to buy my way out of.  Going from rank 4 to rank 3 I can kill just about anyone I've seen in two hits but possess about 10k to little health to survive the first hit from an opponent.  The only answer is to slowly grind out enough health to tank that first hit or enough power to one shot most opponents.  Looking over the forums this is intentional design and most tower levels have a similar increase in difficulty.  So to avoid going through several rank up or down screens between each battle as well as sitting through losing fights the solution most players have is to refresh several times.  Why not use this as an opportunity to sell a conveniece?  Perhaps for an amount of gems a player can be sent down a level.  Or pay to toggle off the rank increase for a week.

You get a trivial amount of silver from tower chests.  I think the intent is to grind away at those for a couple days and act as a time sink against free players.

Relatively new player here, been playing a few weeks.  At level 22 so I still can't get anything meaningful out of events or coliseum but here is my perspective:

It is a pay to win game and you made the right call by having two currencies.  One free and one paid.  It is a common tactic to create multiple bottlenecks and encourage impulse purchases.  But why aren't you utilizing the premium currency effectively?  Every transaction from the shop from a common girl to a mythic is a separate credit card transaction.  I'm sure visa charges a fee for each one and it discourages customers from buying.  Instead do what nearly every other game in this genre does; make the primary credit card transaction premium currency and then use that for all in game purchases.  Fewer fees, players will blow through it on impulse and speed ups, and you can set the amount of gems larger or smaller than the price of premium items to make people buy more.  It is a weird scenario where you could be making more money while streamlining the experience of the user.

Give us a retreat button.  More often than not the outcome is obvious early in the fight.  Especially in tower matches.  This only encourages users to refresh to get back to the game faster.  Reloading the entire game from the server no doubt uses more resources on your end.

Similarly there are too many screens to pop up.  Between tower matches you get a screen for rewards, another to flip over the card, and another if you have gone up or down a rank.  If your chests are full a screen pops up, then an ad.  Each one with a load time and spinny circle.  Most of these purposes could be served with a message in the background, triggering far less delay.  Between this, the high user resource usage, and the long animation times I'm surprised there aren't rumors the game is using those resources to mine for crypto and designed to keep the tab open as long as possible.  Aside from potentially scaring people off the inability to disable animations also limits the audience as players with low end machines have difficulty.

Is there a reason each tower level hits like a wall?  It just feels like unnatural design to go from winning 90% of matches to losing 95% of matches.  The power range within a level is too uniform for this to be the case.

Events feel like they are designed only for well established players.  Trying to grasp the strategy I bought a mostly mythic deck of the same element, but still can barely participate in coliseum or world boss.  If I could get my payment sorted out I'd gladly throw more money at it, but even if I could nothing available looks like it would help me overcome the health bottleneck.  Perhaps some better scaling would help here, to help hook new players by allowing them to participate.

Which brings me to my final point, please for the love of god ditch epoch as a payment processor.  About 15 seconds after my first purchase I got a message from the bank for potential fraud.  Now my paypal doesn't want to go through.  Looking through the comments on the better business bureau page for epoch it is no surprise.  I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, or at least maybe a prepaid visa in the amount I'd be willing to spend.  Which requires a lot of planning and is not conducive to the sort of large impulse buys these games require.  

I am a new player and I'd be willing to pay.  Except the game is designed like it doesn't want my money.  Every purchase is a separate credit card transaction, rather than buying an amount of in game currency for use on purchases like every other pay to win game in existence.  Surely it maximizes visa fees and discourages payment so they can't be benefiting from this set up.  There is not enough information to make an effective purchase, a person could spend a couple grand and still not be able to participate in events in a meaningful way.  Worse still they only use a scummy payment processor, I got a lock on my card and a call from the bank when I tried to make a purchase, only to look up epoch on better business bureau.  I am literally trying to give them money and the game just isn't set up to do it safely or well.