Intriguing idea with the dice, took me a while to figure out but once I did it was fun. Would have been nice to see some combat or other kind of mechanics to find more uses for them, but overall it works as a narrative piece. The map generation is cool, I like the tabletop feeling.
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Very cool idea with all the different gimmicks, and the different dialogs for each character. My only complaints are that the white-on-black color scheme is very hard on the eyes, and that the gimmicks make it way too hard to beat all the opponents in a row without losing once. The cash helps to mitigate the difficulty though, and the atmosphere is great.
I was trying to list my favorite Dark Souls 3 bosses, but realized that outside my top 3 and my most hated, I didn't know how to rank most of them in the middle. So I made an ELO ranking tool to do it for me!
You can make and share your own list, or choose from preset boss lists from Dark Souls 1, 2, or 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Demon's Souls, or Hollow Knight. (Spoilers for all main boss names from all those games! No images though)
Fun little game, I had a blast! The upgrade loop is satisfying and the tiered minerals really discourage grind. The retro graphics work wonderfully, as well. Input customization and a save game feature would be nice additions, but the game is short and sweet enough that their absence doesn't really hurt.