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A member registered Nov 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great game with an excellent visual ambiance. Finished all puzzles (including the bonus level, even though level 1 took me 39 frustrating moves ;-) ). Thank you!

Hey Radnyx!

Just saw your video about Frog Corral in youtube, great work, you did it! And the game is nice to play with an excellent last level (the music was awesome!). It didn't took a lot of time, but it feels like a complet journey!

And the message in your video is great, I hope a lot of people that struggle will get to you :-)


Finalement je peux le tester de nouveau :-D

Il est super nerveux, c'est bien sympa. J'ai adoré l'effet trou noir aussi! Cela fait plaisir d'avoir fait le debugging avec toi (juste 5 min, mais ça va déjà) ;-)

Merci beaucoup d'avoir joué et d'avoir laissé un si gentil commentaire :-) L'inspiration est facile à trouver quand c'est pour les bonnes causes!

As I said, it would be awesome!

Thanks for the advice, I never balance well enough my games because I always want to challenge myself (which is dumb, I know everything in the game - even though I'm never number 1 in my leaderboards ;-). Your advice is easy and simple, I'll keep it in my head for a long time! I'm glad you could enjoy it anyway!

Thanks! A lot of people say it is too hard, so I would say that the balance was a struggle (I didn't had play testers). And, as always, with the graphics... It's not my specialty, so I try my best, but its not always readable. Glad you have fun with it and congrats for getting to the leaderboard!

Thanks for playing! I'm sorry the game is too hard, I didn't had time to balance it. And I have to change the resolution, so the icons could be more readable. I don't know how you did in a Laptop! I understand now why you think you don't have the time to deal with the souls ;-) Glad you had some fun!

Congrats! It's getting harder and harder to get to the leaderboard :-) And thanks for playing!

Very well themed mechanic with well designed puzzles, what else can we ask for :-) It could have a timer or something, as you can't really lose the stakes were not very high. The graphics and music were very nice, congrats for the entry!

Nice idea, I liked to be a mindless zombie :-) I think I ate everyone (27) but didn't got any final message (maybe someone was hidding). The AI of the people could be improved, they were all together in the corners for the most part of my run. But the gore art direction was really great (the blood in the shelfs was very well made!). Congrats!

A really theme related mechanic implemented with nice graphics and music. All wrapped in good puzzles makes for a great entry! Congrats!

The mechanics are awesome! You presented them really well and then the puzzles of each level were a nice challenge with all the tools we have! And the graphics and music are great too, so congrats!

Excellent entry! All in the game is very polished and the ambiance is great. The mechanic of dying suits very well the theme and is brought step-by-step with the levels. Great job!

Love twin stick shooters (even with keyboard and mouse). Nice art direction and fun to play, congrats!

Interesting mechanic of moving in a turning ground! It made for really fun moments! And the overall art direction is neet, well done!

I think we can say its a intense experience ;-) Thanks for playing and commenting, I'm glad you had some fun!

It's true the game is a bit hard and goes directly from calm to a lot of ennemies in less then 5 min, but thanks for trying :-) In a next version I'm surely balance it better so more people can enjoy it!

Great Idea for the souls powers! I was thinking about giving each Greek God a power overtime, and your idea of the souls could be like a kind of Mana. Thanks for playing and the good suggestion!

I don't know how they got the high score neither (generally, I'm not the best in my own games ;-) I'm glad you enjoyed it and that the game woke your competitor spirit! Thanks for playing!

Thank you very much for playing and for the comment! I should have playtest it more too implement a better difficulty curve... But now that you are all testing, I'm sure the next version will be more balanced. And I also wanted to add different powers (from the Gods temples) and other kinds of difficulty (souls wandering ofr example).

Thanks, the leaderboard is quite easy to implement with the Godot Engine. There's an free addon from SilentWolf that does almost everything!

Thank you! Having to manage 2 games at once is stressfull, but I'm happy you found it interesting!

I actually find pretty hard to go for "hidden but not impossible to find" (I'm always in the impossible way...), so congrats :-D

Thanks for this discover, I'll definitivly play it!

Thanks for playing and commenting! The leaderboard is a free addon from SilentWolf really easy to implement, all my score games have it now :-) And I'll look into the sound problem, but I don't really know where to start... Anyway, I'm glad you had some fun!

Thanks for playing and enjoying it! Many people thought it was too hard, so I don't know if can make it faster or harder, I'll have to put a lot of play testing in it... And you're right about the button, it doesn't work if there are souls in it (it was that or not getting the souls...). Your critiques are very constructive, I'll try my best to make a better version next time!

Thanks for the constructive criticism. I needed a lot of play testing for a better balance and I'm getting from you guys! I'm sure version 2.0 will be more interesting in termes of difficulty curve! I'm glad you liked it!

Maybe a little too chaotic? There's only 6min of gameplay, so it gets intense really quickly... I'm glad you liked it, thanks for playing!

Thanks, it's true that I made an exponential difficulty curve ;-) Glad you liked it!

Great graphics with a vampire survivor felling! The evolution of the character is awesome and I had a lot of fun, nicely done :-D

The mechanic is really clever, even though the collisions could be improved. I liked the puzzles and the homemade voice acting, congrats for the entry!

Nice old school graphics and great music! I liked to play an adventure and explore the world (and avoiding enemies was a great way to make the navigation fun!). Congrats for this entry!

A little Carmageddon felling with your entry! Had a little lag in the end, but that didn't took off any of the fun :-)

I don't know if you were the artist, but congrats anyway, the game is gorgeous! I'll be following you to see what you make next time :-) And maybe work together one day :-D

I got a little scared to confront Cerberus right at the beginning, but then I remembered: "Death is only the beginning" ;-) Nice way to enter in the theme! I got some problems with the collisions, but had a lot of fun finding my way in the underworld.

Nice 3D platformer! I really liked the graphics and how the controls felt!

Quite an adventure! Loved the graphics and the ambiance. I found it a little easy, but we don't have so much time that we can balance our games (mine is too hard...). Thanks for entry!

I really liked your humour, had a great time discussing in the after life :-)

Awesome original game! For starters, I love the art direction with the puppets and dices. And the main mechanic could even be a board game (I would certainly buy it :-). Great entry, thanks for this very creative idea!