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PBeS Studio

A member registered Aug 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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how to live without Paradise Digest...

so cool like always... 

music and art are :3

thank you (for the 'jeu de mots')

hey thanks a lot and thanks for the video !

c'est magniiiiifique, quel bon gameplay bien millimétré ... c'était trop bien

The idea is good to go for a walk in the computer to put the zone and the graphics are nice but I find that the game is a little stiff on its controls and lacks a little information to help the player to find his way as soon as the anti-viruses are a little numerous

This is definitely not my kind of game, but I appreciate the work on the physics of the game and all the creative aspects... well done

i love you too,  your game is too good, this flappy shoot them up works wonderfully and deserves to continue to develop this concept, I love the maxi big pixels and the sounds that pop in all directions, here is a real arcade game, it was really good thank you

really very funny this mechanic of leaving your body behind to progress, the 1 bit graphics are always satisfying.

It looks very interesting and the pixel art is very successful but it's not easy to understand what to do and how, the first encounter was fatal for us... excuse me my brother


Great gameplay, very interesting and refreshing, luckily my son was there, with two brains we managed to understand the concept and get to the end of the game.

nice graphics and nice atmosphere in general, the card system is very interesting and deserves to continue to dig into this makes you want to think about it

Thank you very much I'm glad if you liked it that makes me happy

well what a surprise, certainly one of my favorite games of the jam... the pixel art is magnificent, all in subtlety and wonderfully animated, there is a good idea of gameplay perfectly declined on several levels... level 4 wow!!! there is a little challenge but not too much so as not to be frustrating... the atmosphere is super cool and I really liked the end... bravo bravo bravo

yeah bread is a dumb weapon... what a pleasure to play only with the mouse... in any case the game is very funny and it's a real pleasure to play. very cool

thanks a lot … so cool to read your comment

oh no it’s peaceful!!! 

woo thanks a lot you’re so nice 

exactly the same than Achie, it's a pretty good idea but which needs to be dug and congrats for your first use of pico 8 

yeah art style is cool, the colors are shimmering but there might be some impact during the fights with some visuals effects and sounds but who cares? i'm a winner

it works perfectly

you're suggesting there should be multiple accesses to the final area? Once i finished the game...i thought i should have changed the order of the areas --> always start at the bottom, then fall into the house with the mom and the compass and then have access to the area in the trees

ooooooh thank you,  no one tells me about the radar... I think it's badly placed... I had a hard time choosing where to put it, because I didn't want the players to focus on it... a bit like when you look at the mini map on a metroidvania... but I said to myself I still have to give something to the player who is struggling too much to find the last feathers.... and if i put the radar before the players find the mother, they think it's the radar that indicates the mother..... aaaaarrrrgh I don't know what to do with this radar.....

Hello Pico 8 lovers, I like you a lot in interpreting the side quest theme it's perfect... the game is charming the colors are shimmering and give a real extra something to the game... I agree with Achie's comment the game should be a little more rewarding quickly and maybe we can touch a few fish before losing... otherwise it's a good fun concept

congratulations to make your first game, it's a priceless moment.

damn I didn't manage to blow up the planet, the forces of the earth got me when I started to see the surface... the concept of the game is funny it would be worth adding maybe some small bonuses, a scoring, a dash or something to avoid as a last resort

I like pixel art and the general idea of the game, it's fun to play a mimic... but I find the puzzles quite difficult or rather not for my intellect... I lose patience quite easily, it's cool that the other players have given clues.

Thanks for your comment, i agree that the sfx for getting a feather is a bit invasive....

Regarding the map, I put one in but as a pdf download because I didn't want people to have their noses on it while playing... but I can understand that it might be a bit of a failure if you get lost and it's annoying.

art style is very cool and i'm curious about this world but why use so many buttons, it's really not within my skills... plus it's not easy...i'm really sorry because it looks good

it looks great and smart and minimalist art is cool.... but .... but what's going on????

lovely :3

Merci Achie ! You're the best !

thanks ! so glad it's noticed

The concept is cool and graphically I like the proposition but maybe moving square by square is not the most appropriate I find that it weighs down the gameplay

I like the basic idea of the gameplay, it would be worth digging deeper to see where it can lead. Somewhere it reminded me of DIGIDRIVE from the Bit Generation collection on GBA. The universe is cool and I like pixel art with that touch. And the music is too good.

It looks like you have the basis to make a good little arcade racing game, what a job...

There is clearly an idea to explore with this hyper-fast snake, full of stuff to eat that pops up and enemies that do stuff

Art style is pretty cool, I'm curious to see how you'll exploit this mechanic later.

and well what work, I really got sucked into the adventure when I didn't expect it at all...the atmosphere is perfectly disturbing, what a pleasure to complete your inventory and I really liked all the references present in the game...a few small thoughts: I find the fights lack a bit of punch, I would have liked more graphic coherence in terms of the monsters and the end is a bit tedious... on the other hand the difficulty is super well balanced, bravo for all that