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Pedro Rainha

A member registered Aug 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is quite interesting, nice  :D

Super fun, a must play!  

We really appreciate that, thanks :D

Quite true haha, we appreciate this! I agree with your point, no doubt, hard to navigate at certain times when there's not much light

Thanks, we really appreciate this ^

Thanks, this comment is really appreciated! We are really happy you think so, sorry to have scared you! The sheep button is by far the best part...

We really appreciate it, thanks :)

(1 edit)

We really appreciate that, thanks :)

That's awesome, thank you and sorry haha

(1 edit)

Thanks, yes the sheep button is the best mechanic here x)

Quite a fun game! Great to see so many variations

This is an insane game, definitely worth top 10!

Nice game, I like the mechanics of it. I am quite shit at it though!

Awesome to hear, I think you did pretty well. Level six is indeed quite hard, the solution is very carefully designed. Meaning everything needs to be done in the same steps

Thank you!

That is awesome, so you actually finished all the levels?

Gameplay is quite interesting, you should definitely polish it! Love the music

No worries, keep up the good work!

Quite fun, I am pretty bad at it tho. Good job

Awesome Gameplay, had a lot of fun playing this one, one of the funnest I have tried. You should polish this for sure

Nice game! I am quite terrible at it

Nice fun game you have here! It is quite fun to play, good job

Nice game man! Would be nice if you could get the throw-able item back, since I missed getting it in level two, I didn't have it for level 3.

Nice little game you got here, If you would make the cooldown visible, and faster. I feel like it would be nicer! Good job

Thanks! We Appreciate it

Thanks, we appreciate it!

Thanks I appreciate it! It can become quite difficult, answers to the levels are hard indeed.

Thanks, I really appreciate it!

No worries, did you make the WebGL build a .zip? (make sure it is not .rar)

Doesn't seem to work for me, I get an error when I try to play it!

The concept is super cool, goodjob!

Highscore was 31, nice!

My highscore was 62 seconds, the idea is really awesome actually, and the game is super cute, good job! A few remarks the sound when you add an object is super loud compared to the music, sometimes when you pick an object with the mouse, it picks the one next to it and you lose (was the reason I lost every time), probably because of the raycasting. The other one is that there's always a blue square, It would be cool if there were other sequences, but from what I saw you can always pick the blue square. Nonetheless goodjob!

When I do the connections that are showing, nothing happens

I really like the aesthetics of the game. It sadly froze for me on the second level, but overall it's cool, just a tad hard for me, maybe cus I am a noob

 I click into the yellow circles, but I only see three. Don't really know what I have to do, would be nice if you could explain! Looks very cute

I actually found the game quite entertaining to play, would be awesome if it was randomly generated. Somehow reminded me of Spelunky. Good job

Thanks man, really appreciate it!