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A member registered Sep 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, it's a lot of change you ask me. Upgrade stats by % instead of absolute value can be done without much trouble. But choose what stat can be upgraded is a very big change in the plugin mechanic what almost need another plugin to do ir. And have a % chance of success can be done but having  different item to change the rate is also a big change.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check that when I will have time.

Let me try with OTB, I tried with CTB and it worked but not with OTB. I think I will have time for it only after holydays.

Hi, I tested this one with the battle core and it worked without issues. Tell me the plugins you are using and the features you need to use, I'll try if it work (if I have the plugins).

I played this game and finished the demo. It's really nice, good and dynamic battle system, mapping is really nice and I enjoyed exploration. The story is simple but it's only the beginning, I can't wait the full release to see what will going on with this.

Keep on working on your game, I will follow the dev.


Hello, come on my discord so I can solve your issue.


your tool look great, but before buying it, I have a question. Is it possible on standalone version to edit the body shape (not by using the sliders) ? If I want to have a rounder or thiner head for example?


Test by PeGe : 

Progression : démo finie.

Temps de jeu : 8h

*** Attention le test contiens de éléments de gameplay et éventuels spoiler***

Histoire - Personnages : 4*

Chacun des personnages principaux a un caractère bien marqué, on sens le travail de dialogue pour faire ressentir les émotions de chacun. Les ennemis en revanche sont un peu plats et on a de doutes façon pas vraiment le temps de les connaitre avant qu'ils fassent place à un autre ennemi plus puissant (on a un peu l'impression d'être dans un shonen à part pour le cas de shon justement).

Pour ce qui est de l'histoire, elle est bien ficelée et donne envie de connaître la suite qui promet d'être épique. En revanche je trouve que cela est trop linéaire et manque de side content.

GamePlay : 4*

Exploration : classique du JRPG, rien à dire sur la réalisation, le mapping est bien géré mais cela manque de puzzle/réflexion à mon goût.

Combats : système de combat simple est varié, les mécaniques son sympathiques et bien maîtrisées. Mais cela manque de complexité et de customisation des personnages (bien que le système laisse apercevoir des évolutions sur ce point pour la suite du jeu) et surtout de challenge : je n'ai pas eu un seul "game over" et seulement 2 perso KO dans toute la partie (peut-etre que Dr4g pourra tester l'ecran de Game over à ma place).

Graphismes : 4*

Que dire des artwork et des faceset sinon Whaouh, c'est là un des gros points positifs du jeu : c'est magnifique. Coté graphique la seule ombre au tableau (qui fait perdre la 5ème étoile) c'est le coté RTP qui bien qu'il soit parfaitement assumé dénote vraiment avec la qualité des artwork. Avec quelques pack bien foutu pour se démarquer, ça serait vraiment ouf.

Ambiance : 5*

Alors là c'est vraiment la meilleure partie du test, l'ambiance est super retranscrite, on sens bien les émotions de chacun, on set met à stresser pour Denara de peur de la voir perdre le contrôle à de nombreuses reprises. L'ambiance sonore est cool. J'aurais juste aimé en savoir un peu plus sur le monde, les PNJ ne sont pas vraiment causants et ne nous apprennent pas grand chose. Et je fini par le plus gros point positif : les cutscenes. Sur ce point le jeu est vraiment ouf (surtout pour du RPG Maker) il y a de l'action, ça vole, ça pète dans tous les sens, ça détruit des murs, balance des adversaires partout, crée des cratères dans le sol... (je veux faire pareil dans mon jeu maintenant, merci knighty, ca va me donner de longues heures de travail en plus!!!

Impression générale : 4*


Pour ceux qui veulent tester mon projet, venez me demander le mot de passe sur le discord.

I'll check for it. It work on many project I tried with normal and custom key, so I'll have to investigate what is your issue.

Thanks, for buying this plugin. I triedit with some visustella plugins (but not all) and it's worked.

Can you send me your plugin list and give me a screenshot oh the plugin parameters on my discord (link in bio). I will do my best to solve your issue but it can take me some days cause I'm in holydays right now and don't hzve my main computer.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for your very motivating feedback. I will see your video when I will have time for it.

Be aware that this game was made for a jam in 3 weeks and may have some bug, I'm currently remaking it on godot to make it smoother and remove all bug (and maybe according my teammates adding some contents).

And don't worry, you can beat it and even keep playing it, every game is different because of all the random stuff we put in. And you can try to beat your high score...

Hello, you can come on my discord to give me more details about your issue with screenshot and more explanation.

Here it is :

About your issue, I'll check today. And of course, if I can't solve your issue I will refund you.

I sent you a pm on discord for all your question.

Sorry, english is not my native langage. I don't understand what you mean.

Sorry the plugin does not change the battle view or any visual aspect. It works only on mechanics.

If you want to have something approching the golden sun's battle view, I think you can change the battlers' home position and using the pseudo 3d battle plugin from mpp penguin.

Didn't try while making the plugin but I confirm you can add more elements

You can set your djinn as you want, use the element you want, and put as much as you want.

This should be fixed now. Try it and tell me if it works please.

Thanks for your feedback. I'll check this tonight or tomorow and I'll tell you.

(1 edit)

Was it working, with an old version of MZ?

I tried on MZ 1.8 and it's work for me. Tell me more about you issue, I'll do ly best to solve it.

Hi Dr. Buni, sorry but for now it isn't available for MV. Maybe I will do it later but I have a lot to do for now.

My plugin can now work for map event if you want to add it in your description.

Thanks, but it's small work compare to yours. Hope it will work in all project!

Thank for your great job.
In restriction, you said that it's not compatible with blugin that bind common event to key. So I made one, it's only working in battle but can be edited to work on map too :

I made an update. Can you try it and tell me is it solve your issue?

Thank for your feedback.

Can you tell me more about your issue with your hud? I'll try to fix it.

Wich part of the hud is disabled? (conflict with visustella are hard to solve because of the obfuscation but I already have an idea about your issue).