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I wouldn’t say it’ll increase slower, but rather, it’ll develop differently. All the character’s relationships progress at different rates. Triv is tentative whereas Welling actively pursues a friendship/romance with the MC from the start. I don’t want you to feel FOMO though! However you play the prologue, there will always be opportunities to change dynamics once you reunite at the Golden Academy. People often don’t connect during childhood, but then grow close when they’re older and vice versa.
Of course! Anytime you have questions just throw them at me lol. I don’t mind.
(1) Oh, you don’t need to go to the dean! When you’re given the chance to visit different locations in Braum, make sure you go to the town square and see Venali. That’s the first time you really get to speak to them. Then later, when you awaken and need guidance on how to manage it, you will have the options of professor Elanil, Welling, and Venali all unlocked. When you choose to approach Venali, Triv will ask to join. This will later unlock the canterberry festival with Triv.
I know this sounds like a lot, but I wanted the character interactions to feel more organic. Venali is very much in their own bubble and their interest doesn’t peak easily. So, you’ll need to be the first to initiate. Triv is a massive introvert. Their only friend at that point is Venali and so the only way to begin any kind of dynamic with them is when they can first have a friend in proximity for reassurance.
(2) A lot of the narrative is shared through interaction and so I kind’ve liked the idea of people learning with their MC rather than me directly telling them.
Hello! I’ve fixed the variable, thank you for letting me know about it ♡. For your questions:
(1) When deciding who to ask for help with managing your affinity, Triv joins with Venali. So, you’ll need to choose to ask Venali to help instead of Welling if you want to increase your friendship/romance. Triv will not approach the MC for the canterberry festival if they don’t spend time together beforehand.
(1.2) None of the personalities or affinities lock story or relationship options! That would be an awful thing for me to do lol.
(2) They will be fairly obvious. Like: “spend time studying,” or “use your extra time to focus on training.” Most of the scenes to increase these stats will be part of the main story. For example, one scene may give you three ways to improve your affinity. One for +5, another for +10, etc. But there will be the occasional scenario where you’ll have to choose one stat over another. It’s these choices that really show where your MC’s specialties lie.
(3) Yes, they’ll be locked in! The initial balancing of the nature stats is due to the MC’s awakening. It’s the mark determining what affinity they’ll have. Once that’s been selected, there isn’t any need for it. It’s then that aptitude, intellect and strength come more into play.
(4) Mostly flavor. Stats will affect minor outcomes, but I don’t want to completely lock people out/have them auto fail because their MC is more intelligent than strong or has a water affinity instead of an air one. I want choices to determine how the story goes.
For light: (virtuous stat)
- When asked how you advised Randall, select: “Comforted him.” +10.
- When at the market and asked what you’d like to do about the wares on display, select: “While I would like to try one, I haven't got the gold and I wouldn't dare steal.” +5
- If you end up at the Dean for trying to stop Venali, select: “Of course it's not. But, I understand why (Venali) did it and I do feel a bit bad for (Venali).” +5
- At the temple, when you meet Wilbert while speaking to the priestess about affinities, select: “I can’t help but feel a bit sad for him.” +5
- Apologize to Venali in the town square if you fought them. +5
For dark: (wicked stat)
- When asked how you advised Randall, select: “Told him why he shouldn't tolerate bullies. I later found said bully and taught him [i] just [/i] what happens to children who misbehave.” +10
- When at the market and asked what you’d like to do about the wares on display, select: “If no one's watching, I don't see why I shouldn't... [i]borrow[/i] one.” +5
- If you end up at the Dean for trying to stop Venali, select: “Now that I think about it, I probably would have done the exact same thing if I were (Venali). It's only when you cause havoc that people really pay attention.” +5
- At the temple, when you meet Wilbert while speaking to the priestess about affinities, select: “Laugh. Boldly.” +5
You only need 65 or more in either stat to unlock the affinity. Randall gives an easy +10 and then you would only need one more. Be careful not to accidentally select its opposed pair.