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A member registered Mar 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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This issue should be fixed now!

Get Version 1.3 to prevent the loading from getting stuck!

This issue should be fixed now!

Get Version 1.3 to prevent the loading from getting stuck!

This issue should be fixed now!

Get Version 1.3 to prevent the loading from getting stuck!

That was the plan! But due to the time limitation it was scrapped since it was not that high on the priority list :)

Very nice Game!

I am a big fan of the art and the levels! the collisions are a little weird, but its still playable very nicely!

The most frustrating part is the input, whenever you are holding space to hide and want to start moving agian, you have to let space go first and then press d to move, you cant do it at the same time because it wont realise you are holding d! very frustrating especially when you have to swap between hiding and moving fast

Very nice!

The characters look amazing and the idea fits the game and the theme very well!

I think the menu and the stages could look a lot better, but keeping the time limitation in mind its a masterpiece!

I really like the Game, even tho the entire game consists of a whole 3 button presses its very fun!

I really like the audio and think its well done, but button click sounds are missing! i also really like the visuals and the smooth zooming out effect based on how much debt you clear! (So satifsying) the transitions between images could be smoother, but keeping the time limitation in mind its amazing!

Amazing Game!
Especially keeping the time limitation in mind i think its insane how fun the game is, i also like the simple visuals but theink the offset stripe on the blue hat is VERY frustrating to me :D

Theres also some feedback lacking whenever you find the matching person in the crowd, sometimes (especially at high scores) its hard to tell if youve found the right person since the game just swaps the person out and keeps going

Funny concept!
I really like the Audio but i think the vísuals could be upgraded to make the game better! Just another font would change things a lot!

For me the Game has some layout problems!
I dont know if there is any score, health point or level user interface, but if there is i cant see it!

The bullets you shoot also dont exactly aim to the mouse position, but have a small offset!
I also think the dash feels very weird because it makes your character "slide" which is hard to stop

But after all that critisism, i think the general game is nice, i like the visuals drawn in paint in 30 seconds and the enemy spawning is nice too! A few more enemy types would be nice but other than that very nice game!

Thanks a lot for the Feedback! I totally agree with your point, but its all i could come up with within the short timeframe!

Thanks for your nice Feedback!

The music is not disappearing, which is the problem, its too chill for a busy restaurant!

Thanks for your Feedback!

Thank you very much for your Feedback!

I also considered adding a charging bar, it was a low priority thing for which i didnt have enaugh time to implement into the Game.

I really like the fly ememy, its very fun to doge and makes the game interesting! When you are stationary its very easy to doge, but as soon as you move around it gets interesting!

The game does not give a lot of feedback to the player, so it took me a while to figure out you can mine from a distance for example! (Or that mining something took multiple clicks in general)

Its incredible to think that this was made in just 3 days, amazing work! i really enjoyed playing it!

I did not enjoy playing this Game...

The Camera feels very weird, it clips through everything, is weirdly slow and resets whenever you die! Its very hard to controll the camera.

Controlling the Frog character is equally weird, you can only move in increments, so it doesnt matter if you just click the button or hold it for half a second you move the same distance, which feels weird and is especially frustrating for any kind of platforming!

The game looks very basic, flat materials, 3d models made in 5 minutes using 5 basic shapes, sometimes inverted normals (?) for example the Legs of the frogs are the wrong way. theres no animations, not for the water, the frog or anything!

the levels itself are not very interesting, short and repetitive

The limitation was not implemented at all, theres no time limitation or anything...

Sorry for my harsh feedback, but i hope on your next project you keep all the things i meantioned in mind and make a masterpiece, which is more fun to play! Also dont take my critisism personally please :)

I think the game looks very nice, is fun and the concept is amazing!

The music is also nice, although i thinkit does not fit the game (at least during rounds) very well, its very relaxed and chill, which is like the opposite of a stressful restaurant and hurriing to serve your customers!

Thats the next point, i think the limitation "limited time" is poorly implemented, yes, the customers only saty for a short time period, but i dont think thats enaugh!

A easy trick to make your game look a bit nicer, is to swap out the default font for another one!

Also sound effects during the gameplay are missing, which is bad, but acceptible for a gamejam game!

All in all great game!

I really like the Intro! it looks very nice, a few sounds fitting to it would be nice tho! The game itself looks nice and the sounds are good too!

The controlls are not well done, not easy or enjoyable, sadly due to the controlls it doesnt feel good to play the game... I also think the rounds start to quickly and end to abruptly

Thank you very much for your Feedback! I really appreciate it and i think you have a good point, i will keep that in mind :D