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A member registered Aug 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and feedback. I'm glad you like the main idea. I will consider the puzzle design in more detail.

Thanks for playing and feedback. I will try to introduce new mechanics one by one, with a more extended game.

It's a great idea! I definitely need to implement this in the next update. Thanks for feedback and playing! 

I love the dialogue in this game. At first I wasn't sure how we shattering windows.

Nice game! 

I love the idea for this game. A significant challenge. I had a great time playing this.

Nice game! Beautiful art <3

The game is challenging in its dynamics, but addictive to get a better score. 

Awesome game! The way you used limitation great combine to make me feel like in horror game. 

Lovely art! Covering the windows with boards loses its importance when we shoot so many bullets at once. It would be really helpful if we could see the whole room to use a specific mirror.

Thanks for playing! I know the game is really challenging, but this compensate way how short it is. When I was recording playthrough I had many approach.

My mind is confused after so many rotations, in a funny way. Love it!

Great game! I love this freedom in solving puzzles by combining different commands in different ways. I missed the ability to keep commands after each reset. Ctrl + C , ctrl + V definitely helped when thinking about correcting commands.

Very nice game. It's very satisfying when your laser reflects multiple times, just as frustrating when you got single bounce against so many asteroids. I need a scoreboard to see how effectively I'm "aiming".

I love simplicity. Managing every step with attention to the energy source for each robot really drew me in. I would come back to this game if there were more levels or randomness battery placement.