I hope this doesn't bump this up to the top, but I totally had to Google this answer because I forgot how to solve this. Thank goodness I found it :-P
Recent community posts
I've had no issue vertical aligning text. However, center or right aligning, while simple to do when a Super Text 3D object is created (a non-UI object), when I create an object as a UI object on a canvas, I haven't been able to get it to align (but only center/right, vertical align works fine). I wanted to ask if anyone else could replicate this issue before I spend another hour trying to troubleshoot what I'm doing wrong personally. Thanks!
Sure! OK, so I finally got a perfect result I'm happy with, but I'm going to play with it more before I post to that thread. I think it was just another case of me being dumb. I'm using the "Standard" shader with the "Cutout" Rendering Mode--the fatness/weirdness of the wooden bars were due to Alpha Cutoff being set to 0 (I progressively feel more like an idiot the longer this thread lasts, haha, the DEFAULT is .5, not sure how it got set to 0). I set the Alpha Cutoff to x >= .5 and it renders perfectly. I can't use unlit since I have a day/night cycle in the game, and the light adjusts accordingly.

I combined this with the technique posted about in the other thread describing the GIMP script that automatically spaces and margins the tileset and I get zero bleeding / perfect rendering. I'll post all the stuff I learn about the Unity workflow after I finish one full asset and I have a bit more experience in this--I don't want to post something incorrect. Thanks again for all your help and for making this and sorry for all my stupid questions!
You're right, I feel like an idiot. I stayed up all night playing with Sprytile so my brain must be fried, sorry! I had it set on the Standard shader with the UV map set for albedo but the rendering mode was set to fade. I've set it to opaque and it works mostly great, with the exception that it did something weird to the transparent tiles (the image on the left is before, on the right is after). I'll keep playing around with it within Unity and figure it out, thanks so much!

I feel like I'm so close to getting this working! I finally got bleeding turned off, finally got the textures to stop being blurry, and double sided planes all work... but now when I actually import the .obj into Unity, I get the weirdest layering issues!
I feel so close and yet so far away! I haven't seen anyone else mention this so I'm guessing it's another thing I messed up :P
Hey! I love the tool so far! Thanks! I did experience the bleeding issue when exporting to Unity (following the guide and using the guide tileset), but I'm going to try following the advice in the other thread for that.
In the meantime, there was another issue I haven't read about. Within Blender, each tile/plane renders on both sides, however, when I export the object to Unity, each plane only renders on one side and the other side is invisible (as expected for a plane). Do you know how I can view this true render state in Blender? And is there any way to automatically place two opposing planes so that it renders on both sides? I have a feeling if I just try creating two tiles on the same vertex but on each side, it'll just replace the first one I place with the second one. Does that make sense?