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A member registered Jul 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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very nice, hope it indeed go beyond the jam <3

Cool, fun and sjeesh you have grown as a dev!

holy something... now that is an upgrade. jaw drops

nice idea.

You gave it allot of effort and it turned out well. 

Disappointed it is not in voxels. I am kidding, this is fun

My gamerskill is probarly not strong enough for this,but i wanted to keep trying, it is fun to play and looks/feels nice

This is so well put together and then the artstyle makes it even better

Thank you swan, ill pass the msg to potato

Thank you, i swear that was my first idea on the jelly, irl made me forget. Ill pass the msg to potato, i am proud of her

funny little jelly's

cute character and fun to play

applaudes all the progress

evil, omg u flexing! this is so awsome

nice speedboost! cute dog! job well done

the walking around to the chill piano tune is relaxing, wasn't expecting the dog bark, lol my cat reacted to it. clues and mission are nice, at first i was like where do i get water, but i got it... well done!

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wow, the black/white , the music...this gives me so much nostalgia, i love it

omg, there are so many of them, lol. Definitly see the potential in this. looks nice aswell

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jump around,nicely done. i got nerveous with the timer and the music there.

nice, it looks good and the soft color makes it calming. little characters gives me some kirby vibe. I had no issues playing either, only at some point a tunnel appears and disappears,was this ment? and uh...idk why you were so hard on yourself, because this is great!

so it is a jamgame, which makes me understand it was made in a specific time,so i will be basic in what i say. It is pretty straight  foward in what needs to be done and how u do that, nice. Shame the music is not on loop, or atleast in the 1st lvl i was reading what to do, and the music stopped, pretty small thing. I also like the soft colors used and obviously the pixelstyle <3

so it is a jamgame, which makes me understand it was made in a specific time,so i will be basic in what i say. It is pretty straight  foward in what needs to be done and how u do that, nice. Shame the music is not on loop, or atleast in the 1st lvl i was reading what to do, and the music stopped, pretty small thing. I also like the soft colors used and obviously the pixelstyle <3


well done, i like the color pallette

sweet classic style!

this is nice, runs smooth and i like this "hunting" type

So satisying to beat the lvls. Guess i got a swing for it.

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Already on the edge of overworked, and than this happens. Legend. Also very nice to get your community involved. Last is probarly a me thing, i get bored waiting for the last boss, adhd attention span.

you chose lovely assets there,and the idea is real good.I died allot already, but that is probarly my gamer-skill. Did make me want to try even harder. It is so good,especially considering the time it took you to get it like this, just wow.

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I have played similar before,but this is pretty good. Taken the ideas you have to update it, it will be very good. Mobile wise there are so many free with ads games,it hard to say if it will succeed.

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i like where this could go,and the skills learned in this process could help you do even bigger things,so nice!

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Very original game,love the colors,they give me nostalgic vibes

loving this pixel retro look,and always was a racerfan.going to add it on my phone <3

this is very nice!

revisit,because secretly, i like this more then i want to admit

Love the loading screen,inc the sound,nice touch. i was already a bit familiar with the game,and i got to say it is looking good, curious on more progress !

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thank you for your feedback. Currently i got the stars under construction as a point system. I like your idea on more control keys,yet arrow up is for climbing ladders. Thanks for taking the time playing <3

Thank you so much for playing on stream,that was quitte amazing to see!, you deserve 2 more levels.

This is a nice use of the theme. It also works really nice and has a appealing visual theme. Overall good,except for my gaming skills lol.

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You should know by now i aint a cool kid im a semi cool 39 lol