This is awesome! I'll have to create something for my son with this. He loves word searches.
Phil Gathany
Creator of
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Thanks! I agree with all your feedback. First wall walk and jumping sequence are too hard. Roll also needs to be adjusted. Music and (almost all) sound effects were custom made so it's great to hear that they fit the game well. Glad to hear you liked my models too! Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!
Beautiful professional looking game with great voice acting! I can't wait to see how this progresses! I love the carrying of the mannequin. Very creepy, kept thinking it would do something. Which made it scary. I swear it was moving slightly, right? If I had to give any suggestions at all, maybe make the pickup of items like the key and blood more apparent that you picked them up. Just have "You picked up the key" text appear for a couple seconds then fade away. When I picked up the key it took me a second to realize it was the key I picked up because I clicked immediately when the hand appeared without seeing what it was :D. But that's just a minor nitpick, game was great!
I liked the visuals and the "mario galaxy" planet walking. Very cool! The meter on the guy filling up was a cool touch. I think this game would really pop if you added more feedback to the drilling and attacking enemies. More effects and animations for the enemy to really make drilling and attacking fun. Since those are the things you do most, make them as cool as possible!