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A member registered Feb 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really well done! The fonts were kinda wonky/blurry for me in firefox, but still mostly legible. I also agree with Neanderstahl that it would be better to have the arrows pointing out from the bird. Other than that I loved this.

Really nice design! I agree that the drawing of shapes can be a little difficult to see, maybe they could be full lines. A lot of fun though.

Wow, this is amazing! A really good puzzle game that uses the theme in a really cool way.

Beautiful art style and sound, I really enjoyed this.

Great art style!

Love the idea! Like others have commented the controls are hard to figure out.

Love the art style!

Very fun! I like the small number of tiles and the fact that the seasons pass by quickly. It could be developed further into a fast-paced puzzler.

Very fun!

Nice mechanic that would be great to further explore!

Very fun and addictive! It took a while to figure out that I just had to run into enemies to do damage though.

Very fun!

Love this! Turning is a little hard since the turn radius is really big. But the art style is so fun.

Love the concept! The turning is pretty hard to get the hang of, but everything else is really great.

What are the controls? I can't do anything