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A member registered Mar 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow! Great job! Lots of fun!!

  • loved how most objects have a description.
  • references to Mech-Warrior and Power Rangers were fun
  • Awesome opening! set the stage nicely!
  • Typo during tutorial: during  "blue orbs on the [left]"
  •   didn't really find need to move, except for setting up the laser. Was a nice surprise to dodge enemy attacks, but no way of knowing where to move to avoid them.  easy enough to switch back during battle with shield on and look up next attack. helps to get in a rhythm, waiting to do something after enemy attacks.
  • battle interface is super impressive!
  • really good balancing! second battle almost got me, but difficult enough to be a satisfying win!
  • Loved the ending!

The input commands were updating for me while under the virus status :-)

Thanks so much for the feedback! Definitely going to work on a more complete release, and I'll add some way for people to reference buttons etc.

Obviously no one like hearing it wasn't executed well, but I have to concede that it's true for the gameplay. I probably "bit off more then I could chew", which is the main reason I want to release a less beta (or alpha?) version, my perfectionism is driving me a bit insane XD

Yay! Thanks so much for playing! Glad you liked the mega laser! Actually had to make 4 separate animations and do this for it to show up correctly:

Your game is next on my list actually!

Thanks so much Studio Blue! Your feedback means a lot to me! Left a longer reply on the YouTube page.

(1 edit)
  • like the gritty mapping!
  • nice how everyone at the restaurant says something different
  • Flashback was a bit too long... also hard to tell where you were going with the story, wasn't a lot of point to where we found ourselves, other than setting up characters and history for a longer story.
  •  Just explain a bit more that they are going to test out a VR game... don't remember that being mentioned before it happened
  • battles balanced well in beginning, but too many and became pointless.
  • learned triple slash, but didn't show up on any list
  • Wanted to kill Leon by the second map.. XD
  • escaping made it way less painful.
  • If the point of the ending was an ironic joke, then you got a laugh out of me! 
  • Simple but great use of the main menu.
  • Love how the character transforms! Gives me tons of ideas!!
  • Nice comedy too
  • Interesting story, and liked the realistic writing
  • Really clever eventing when you're trying to get the rope!

Awesome game! Thanks for the hints too!

Awesome game!!

  • I missed some of the narration in the beginning because it auto skipped when finished.
  • Good humor, like with bow
  • really fun to change things in puzzle that affect other timelines. Not a huge difference then just flipping a switch, but the loading the game gives it a whole other feeling that works really well with the setting of the game.
  • couldn't set an anchor point after beat the big guy in the beginning, but didn't end up needing to.
  •  loved the door effect with the sound!

Also loved the ending! Tried loading several different anchor points after the last boss. Thanks for the fun and interesting game!

When you get to the asteroid belt, here is the "hit-box" for the spacecraft. This is where you will be able to interact with weapon crystals and pick up items until I'm able to update the game!

Also, if you attack enemies from the side, usually one square up is where it will register. Attacking from above or below should always work, aside from the occasional glitch. Lastly, if you find the shield, you have to be facing the enemy for the shield to work.

Thanks so much for playing my game!

When you get to the asteroid belt, here is the "hit-box" for the spacecraft. This is where you will be able to interact with weapon crystals and pick up items until I'm able to update the game!

Also, if you attack enemies from the side, usually one square up is where it will register. Attacking from above or below should always work, aside from the occasional glitch. Lastly, if you find the shield, you have to be facing the enemy for the shield to work.

Thanks for playing my game!

(1 edit)

When you get to the asteroid belt, here is the "hit-box" for the spacecraft. This is where you will be able to interact with weapon crystals and pick up items until I'm able to update the game!

Also, if you attack enemies from the side, usually one square up is where it will register. Attacking from above or below should always work, aside from the occasional glitch. Lastly, if you find the shield, you have to be facing the enemy for the shield to work.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, the hitbox is definitely wonky... want to fix it in a more "official" updated version when I have more time to solidify the graphics. Timer was mainly for comedic effect, and to help give a sense of time for the cutscenes at the beginning. I would also agree that this is more of a proof of concept game and needs more work to meet my personal perfectionist standards XD

Thanks for taking the time to play my game! Yeah, i noticed a glitch with the damage as well, but didn't see any of the issues you had with enemy HP bars. I also realized after submitting that the Chrono engine went to the next party member after dying, so will need to figure out a way to have the characters but die after the character with the ship's HP reaches zero... maybe a common event?

That totally sucks that it just ended like that at the end!... thanks for telling me. The boss battle isn't hard by any means, since I was rushed for balancing and wasn't able to really find the best balance between attack strength and HP. 

Given the fact that I didn't start making the game until 3/17/20, I'm really happy with what I was able to accomplish, and really appreciate any constructive feedback anyone is able to offer, so that I can make a more  easily playable game and post it for others to enjoy =D