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A jam submission

Arcane MagicView game page

Game released for 5th Annual Driftwood Jam
Submitted by Licro — 5 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Hey there :). Nice game, with good puzzles. There is also good features like using or combining item, and the chicken transformation. I can see that you put a lot of effort in this game, and i appreciate it. Sometimes, it's pretty hard to know what to do, hopefully there is the hint that help when you are stuck. Dialogues are not to take seriously, but are funny. I didn't make it until the end, i've been stuck by jumping outside the map in the chicken form, where you grab the hammer on the platform. Thank you for your submission, see ya :). Drag.
  • This poor girl, nobody loves her... how sad. The writing is witty and funny, definitely laughed more than a few times playing this :D Unfortunately, I was also lost and couldn't finish so I don't know how it ended. DID SHE GET INTO THE ACADEMY?!

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A pretty neat concept, but the game really needed a bit more direction. I enjoyed the character she really made me chuckle a few times. I'd love to see this made into a full game.


what do you mean by "direction"?


There were several parts that were simply the player struggling along or having to review hints that were not part of the main game to find, at least in my case. Others may have figured it out easier. I feel like the parts that were set aside as hints could have been worked into the story and gameplay in a more cohesive way. It was still a pretty neat premise.

Jam Judge(+1)

Heya! Don't know if you saw this yet (been busy so I might have lost track), but we did a high level overview of your Game Jam entry last week. Here is a link to the video if you want to see what we have to say:


It's a cute game. It could use some event quality checking and a thorough proofreading, but the transformation mechanic is pretty solid and unique. Try to develop and rely on that transformation mechanic in future projects, I think you're on to something!

  • Simple but great use of the main menu.
  • Love how the character transforms! Gives me tons of ideas!!
  • Nice comedy too
  • Interesting story, and liked the realistic writing
  • Really clever eventing when you're trying to get the rope!

Awesome game! Thanks for the hints too!


Awesome puzzle game with vibes of a point-and-click adventure! Even has the inspect function and item combination.

The story was quite fun with a heart-breaking ending T_T.

Very well done!


Fun puzzle game, and I'm thankful for hints aimed at dum-dums like me. Tragic and poignant ending. Would have enjoyed a little combat. Nice touch with the shrunked down animations for cutting chicken and the rat attack. Most people don't even think to do that and it looks weird. Some clever puzzles too.


Hello, I played your game and the least I can say is that it's quite a nice story and it keeps you busy in a fun way. Now, on to the list of the things I noticed:

- There is places where you can't walk on places you'd swear you could walk on and places you can walk where you'd swear you can't. It's pretty weird to me.

- Sometimes, the window is eating up the text. (It's still readable, but it's also noticeable and can rub people the wrong way.) Also, there seems to be some mistakes made like "sign" being used instead of "sigh" or extra spaces between words for some reason.


- You can end up softlocked while jumping (with the Beast form or not) on the right of the small platform in the neighbor. (You can also access the menu and save leading to the possibility for the player to have a broken save file.)

Clearly, this game would have deserved a serious rereading to rectify spelling and typos, as well as more rigorous playtesting sessions. (No offense to your sister which, I am sure, must had a lot of fun playing through your game and hunting bugs for you.)

With that said, the story - again - is nice and engaging. I somewhat relate to Elise, chasing after her dreams. And the gameplay is fairly original compared to RPG Maker standards.

I wish you good luck with that game jam! ^^


Thanks for your detailed review Pika. Some of those bugs are really stupid and I could notice them earlier if I was more thorough. Too bad I can't fix it all now X( and lol I literally thought the right word is "sign" bcs n and h look alike.

Mb I should return the favor and also replay your game to make a review bcs I remember having a lot of things I wanted to tell while playing Escapists but I was too lazy to describe it back then. 


You're welcome! Don't worry, things like these happen! ^^

Also, I would be glad to see your review on my game! I'm looking forward to it!


The menu system is neat and creative. I like that it has a hints option, and the inspect option came in handy when I wasn't sure what things were interactable.

I did run into a bug in the Neighborhood, where the jumping platform sent me jumping off the map when I went to climb back down. I couldn't do anything except pull up the pause menu and select its options (which did nothing to get me un-stuck).

There were a lot of typos and grammatical errors in the dialogue, though the premise of the game's story shows promise.


IT was a super nice  cute story.  The game reminded me of those old school click point adventures. Well done, I had fun. (I wont forgive you about what you did to M R  though XD )