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A member registered Apr 23, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thanks a lot for your kind words, I'm delighted that you enjoyed the game!
I am working on the sequel, in finishing steps right now actually -

I'm going to save your fanart and treasure it forever =p
Really captures the torment of soulless Aeon.

Hi! It's because it's a "demo" version, so it only has one area.


This is what happens when the game is compiled with YYC - works fine in VM? -



action number 1

of Create Event

for object control:

Expected a native_cursor, got { __ptr__ : 0000021D30ED0CF0 }############################################################################################

gml_Script_native_cursor_set_framerate (line 5)

gml_Script_native_cursor_create_from_sprite_ext (line 16)

gml_Script_native_cursor_create_from_sprite (line 5)

gml_Script_window_set_cursor_sprite (line 3)

gml_Object_control_Create_0 (line 5822)

That's the code:

window_set_cursor_sprite(spr_cursor,  0);

Help! :)

Yay, custom cursors are back to my game! Thank you.

Can confirm, doesn't work in x64:

LoadLibraryW C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Magic_of_Spring_37CE7CDB_YYC\window_set_cursor.dll failed with error code 126

ETA on the update?

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Module explanations:


Don't miss out on this gold! I've made several commercial games with Bert composing music for them, and it's really made the games much better.

Magic of Spring
(Not on yet)

Sorry, right, it's a bit much.

Oh man, I hope you'll recover swiftly :o
Also, waw, the game is very cute! Keep it up.

"The stories of making your dream game first and failing hard, were all over the internet."

Eh, that's noise. They are probably talked about situations where financial success was required. Making money from games is really hard, but having fun and exploring your creative capabilities and needs, gaining experience is really easy, so just relax and have fun.

Sounds like it would be a 'beefy' game if it was finished :o
Good luck!

Seems like it was difficult though.
There, there... Have a virtual hug from me =]

Well, any progress is good, even if a little: +1

"I think one of the main issues I have is that I can over estimate what I can do in an amount of time. I though 10 days to do the main coding, 20 days for 10 levels. It took from the top of my head 12-14 days for the main coding and 16-18 days for 4 levels."

Oh, god, I've been making games for 8 years now and I have this problem all the time. The only advice I could is: Double the expected time and pray to lords of chaos that it'll be enough.

That's a beefy Post-Mortem, nice. If you can give so much effort to this, I'd guess you'll be fine.

"I found keeping everything as a simple .txt document to be the most effective for me."

That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.

"As the old adage goes: "No plan survives first contact with the enemy," and I think that's especially true when it comes to any sort of creative endeavor."

Big true.

Making a game - any game - is an achievement, +1

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Looks awesome for something made in 6 (5?) days! You're a pro =]

Welcome to game development! It's crazy, haha.

One thing you could learn is to split walls of text with the use of newlines. It's extremely difficult to read walls of text ;)

The sprites are cute! Good job on Devtober stuff, you get it =]

Nice work!

Congrats! Seems like you had a good time.

Good job!

Nice, nice.

Congrats! And thanks for posting =]

Ah, don't be too hard on yourself. My games never meet the original vision and I don't think it's bad. It's just part of the work, I think, a lot of things you have to figure out as you go. And hey, maybe it'll turn out much better. That happens =]

Good job! The game seems like a pretty nice start. I kind of wish enemies were more threatening. Also, you can get a group of enemies stuck in a doorway.

Aw. Better luck next time? Sending a virtual hug.

I myself a hardcore GameMaker, but seems like it would be a good idea to check out Godot. Maybe next Devtober? ;)

Thanks for posting =]
Sad stories are important too. Sending a virtual hug!

Hard relate! I should read more posts like that because while I know all these thanks to 8 years of experience in game development, I tend to ignore that wisdom out of stubbornness/excitement.

Thanks for posting.

Interesting to read about RPG development, since I'm making one as well! I've followed you.

Good job! Making an MMO/MUD even if a text one seems like an ambitious project.

Thank you!

Oh, sorry, it should say 1.7.0 now, that's the latest version of the game.


I assume it's okay to use it however I want? Commercially, etc.?
I haven't seen the license mentioned anywhere.

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Hey all,

A developer I know just released his game and I want as many people as possible to hear about it because it's, well, very good!

A high-quality adventure-type game with impressive attention to detail, submerged in a unique atmosphere and set in a very interesting world.


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purification plant
