Do you ever plan on making the game moddable, like opening up Steam Workshop or making there be custom Sprites/Items folders?
Love the game, and I hope to see Visca again in a future game, or elsewhere.
I apologize for the wall of text, but I wanted to get everything out of the way in one go.
This is quite an excellent game, now that there are graphics settings that let me play it. Got a few thoughts for some changes/additions, although the base structure is in really good shape, especially considering the game isn't even halfway to full release(as of writing, this game is in 0.4.1 - 0.4.2Pat).
[=== Suggestions for additions:
0. Renamon skin / custom parts
1. Personality changing the idle expression, as well as reactions to growth.
2. Separate scales for "base size" scaling and "growth" scaling, allowing players to keep their character small if they want, but also allowing modifiers like potions and spells keep their full visual effect. Alternatively, just having growth modifiers increase attributes by a percentage, rather than a flat amount.
3. Maybe scales for how much a character grows in a specific area(or if they grow in that area at all), so characters can have, for example, a lot of belly and leg fat, but no arm fat, or have wide legs, but not long legs.
4. More hairstyles, such as eye-covering bangs, or hair that swoops over to one side to cover half the face.
5. Wider Tail Thickness slider, for a really poufy fox tail.
6. Tail growth, on behalf of whoever likes that? Gives more HP/AP regen?
7. Thigh wobble physics + More noticeable butt jiggle physics.
8. Clothes?
9. Armour visual toggles
10. Body self-collision. Perhaps it could be toggled, as massive sizes could make accurate self-collision break.
11. Height slider, for tall, slim characters and shortstacks alike.
[=== Suggestions for changes:
1. Having Speed and/or Height increase movement speed, and having Fat, Bust, and leg width decrease movement speed.
2. Arms look a little weird at larger fat values. Maybe the weight can be distributed a little bit more around the shoulders and elbows, to smooth out the shape?
3. The character model always looks like it's back is arched backwards, which would look fine on Sassy and Shy, but as those make the model lean even farther back, it looks slightly weird.
4. Having attributes increase/change collision hitboxes, and/or have special animations for trying to squeeze into an area too small for you.
5. Shift is run, space is jump? The ability to jump whenever is always nice, even if it doesn't do anything.
6. Higher limits for armours?
I want to state that these lists are meant as ideas, suggestions, and constructive criticism. I mean no offense towards Digitalfurbelow or anyone else involved in the creation of this game.
This is an extremely high-quality game, even better than Smasher in my opinion. I especially liked the alt ending to the Castle stage where the (I'm assuming) Captain of the Guard feeds you. I did have a handful of suggestions/requests, though, for after the Jam:
1. What if the pile of gold in the throne room let you take an infinite amount of gold from it? The tradeoff being that the weight penalties become uncapped, letting skilled players take home more gold, but eventually soft-capping the gold you can get due to how slow and loud you become. The Captain could also be a unique Guard that stays in the Throne Room, and you'd get the alt-ending by being "caught" by him (perhaps at a threshold weight, or different interactions depending on your weight?).
2. Could there be a means of re-watching the cutscenes? I missed some of the dialogue on two of them.
3. Some objects, especially on the Castle, do not fade away with the walls, causing some minor camera obstructions.
4. Can the second floor of the Inn be a little more obvious? It took me a few times to realize it existed.
5. Currently, SmolBold is a little OP, but could the balancing factor be the weight movement penalty is harsher, rather than it being the fact that you get stuck in doors sooner? It's a little confusing seeing a tiny creature the same size as the vent not being able to at least wiggle through it.
6. What if there were food items scattered around, letting you eat them to reduce the noise penalty, but increase your movement penalty?
7. Maybe a blueberry gamemode, where you look for an antidote hidden in the stage?
8. More stages? In the four straight hours I played the game, I've already memorized the layout of each map, as well as have a strategy for each one.
9. The bellies for all the models seem to be anchored close to the center of the body, which looks nice at smaller sizes, but starts to look a little odd as bellies get bigger.
Again, I love the game, and really think it could become your next Smasher, if you and the rest of the team wanted it to be.
Acer Aspire 3 Laptop running Windows 10. I'm having the same problem; I looked through the Player.log to see what the issue was. Most of the messages were displayed multiple times, with 448 being duplicated a hundred times or so.
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Main Camera') is missing!
(Filename: Line: 334)
Material VHS doesn't have _Stencil property
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object)
UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial:Add(Material, Int32, StencilOp, CompareFunction, ColorWriteMask, Int32, Int32)
TMPro.TMP_MaterialManager:GetMaterialForRendering(MaskableGraphic, Material)
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
d3d11: failed to create 2D texture shader resource view id=987 [D3D error was 80070057]
(Filename: Line: 537)
Not entirely sure what's going on, but the mesh for the character seems to be a little weird. All the different points of the skin texture on the character seem to be trying to connect to random points on the body, resulting in a glitchy, vaguely humanoid shape with random polygons going everywhere.