Awesome! Thank you!
Recent community posts
Thanks! This is resolved.
For anyone who runs into this in future, Google login worked fine with an account. The error seems to somehow have happened because I was using a Google account created as part of “Google Apps for Your Domain”. Google’s error was entirely misleading on this front, so, go figure.
TL;DR: Don’t use an organization/business Google account, just a regular Google one.
I had a look to firm up my memory’s hazy timeline. Cookie sharing started with iOS 9 in September 2015, and ended with iOS 11 in September 2017, as discussed in iOS 11 Safari View Controller cookie passthrough and the future of mobile web - Branch. It was a Big Deal at the time, but 6 years and change later, it’s just how things are.
Same error: has not completed the Google verification process. The app is currently being tested, and can only be accessed by developer-approved testers.
It looks like there’s a process needed to make the app generally available for Google OAuth. And they expect test and prod to have separate app URLs.
My Google account is the same email as my Itch and magic link login, so I thought they’d resolve to the same account. I’ll send an email.
On iOS, in-app browsers (and maybe home screen apps? I hardly use those) used to all share the same browsing context, but they’ve been entirely isolated for years now. Hence the need to be able to complete login within the home screen app.
If I add the web site to my Home Screen on my iPhone, I’m unable to log in within it due to the magic link approach. The link when tapped opens in the full Mobile Safari browser, not the Home Screen instance, and there’s no way to paste a code or something to proceed within the dedicated browser instance.
I also tried logging in via Google, which would stay in the browser instance, but that errors out after logging in with:
Access blocked: has not completed the Google verification process has not completed the Google verification process. The app is currently being tested, and can only be accessed by developer-approved testers. If you think you should have access, contact the developer.
If you are a developer of, see error details.
Error 403: access_denied
The error details link to Submit for brand verification | Authorization | Google for Developers.
This bit from the Calamity aside has me thoroughly confused:
You can continue to use that Power after a Calamity, but the risk of another one occurring keeps rising.
How does the risk get greater?
- If you keep marking charge past the max, it would seem to lessen the risk, because now you have to roll higher to have a calamity.
- If you replace marking charge with the calamity check, and charge stays frozen at your max charge, then the risk doesn’t change.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding how to use the two side-by-side meters for each of health and charge, and that’s what’s confusing me?
(I tried to find an example of play to demonstrate the rules here, but my web searches didn’t scare anything up.)
I’ve never played a wargame before and have no miniatures, so this looks a great place to start! Dice and an 8x8, I can manage.
I’m not sure about how to practically manage some of the details, though.
How do you usually mark Full vs Half Cover on the board? What’s a good way to track its remaining hits?
How do you track temporary effects like Resist?
What about long-term effects like the Lightfortress Arbalest’s damage counter?
And should the Hertzward Company have an Army Action to Regenerate damage to an undestroyed armor d4 at the end of the turn? (Regenerating is mentioned in tactics, but I don’t see it operationalized anywhere.)
You can split it up into 1-up pages using Briss, then repaginate for printing using the LaTeX pdfpages package. I sewed it into a Coptic-bound book with the help of the Signature Optimizer (which wrote the LaTeX file for me).