Hello there. I am Roshan and i am looking forward to join this jam with a team. I have 5 years of experience developing games and i participated in 7-8 game jams until now. Check those out here.
I already have a game idea (hopefully theme is everything is temporary) , Its based on a father trying to balance finance and protect his family. (Yes its a dark, Real-life like grounded game with a goal to show how much difficult fathers face to just see there family happy). The style would be inspired by silent ages, This war of mine, Limbo. Like a dark muted atmospheric game. So as an artist or composer you have similar style please connect with me to know more and continue the discussion on discord pih_realms
Pih Realms
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I am Roshan, I have been using Gdevelop for 4 years now and i have made 12+ games. https://pihrealms.itch.io/ as personal project and one commercial release https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pihrealms.Aura . I am also a decent with 3d modelling https://www.artstation.com/roshan_naik. I have participated in 8 jams before including most of past major jams. **Some of the best jam results ** :- Gdevelop jam 4 - 11th out of 200 entries. Gdevelop Jam 3 - 19th out of 270 entries. and Gdevelop jam 2 - 26th out of 230 entries. Dm me if you are interested and we can talk further
Making an asset for the jam beforehand means, working on the jam game before the game jam starts. Which is not allowed.
However, After the jam starts you can make your assets or use the assets that you have right to use (As they were not made with intentions to be used in the jam). As you dont know what the theme is until the the jam starts, you have no strong idea of your own game, so any pre-bought/made assets has a draw-back of most probably not fitting the theme/feel of your game as you might have intended after having the theme.
Hello folks, I am Rosh and i am here to build a team for the Scream jam 23. I am an indie developer with 3 years of experience in game dev, and i also carry 8 awesome game jam experience's with me. My focus/ aim generally is to create something unique/ creative and thats exactly what i am looking forward to do for this jam. You can check out my games here. Contact me on Discord "pih_realms" to continue the discussion further.
Have a great day!
Well that was an engaging concept...i reached till 2nd desert level...the difficultly balance was good...Art could have been better, but you can work on it post jam. Variations in music, sound effects and animations could help a lot...But overall a great game...all about timings....
Also check out our game QWERTY flies and let us know what you think about it....All d best for the jam
Thats was a brilliant game, beautiful environment, vibe and sound. So calming. Gave me a "Kub" game vibe, I enjoyed the puzzle...untill it got complicated coz i am not a kind of a guy good at platformers. I enjoyed the game and it seemed perfect in every aspect. I didnt quite understand if the laterns that turned on played any part in terms of affecting gameplay though. Using flies to break door...wasnt something i tought i would see....but overall a great game with no downside to discuss as far as i see.
Also check out our game Qwerty flies, its a frog and flies based chaotic game which uses 26 button controls .....Let us know how you feel about that. Thanks in advance and all the best for jam.
Great job, a very good gameplay. Here are few thing i would like to point out.
- Needs a lot of thinking , precision and timimgs
- Levels are interesting but repeatative....more exploration of the gravity mechs would help alot.
- Art is too plain, Fine as a jam game but i feel you can re-make and polish game post-jam.
- Gravity text block important view on some levels....may be a small icon should be enough...
It could make for a really great rage game. Overall a good concept very close to theme .
Also check out our game qwerty flies, its a chaotic game based on fire flies and frog....let us know how you feel about that. Thanks in advance and best of luck for jam.
Hey....this game is actually very nice....and choatic....could not understand how to complete the level tho...Having 2 different lift for up and down makes it more confusing...especially due to speed at which light goes off....Seems like a good casual game idea you can develop further....with some difficuly balance and more clear description inside the game instead of description....
But overall great game.
Do try out our game "Qwerty flies" and make sure to tell us how you feel....it too gets chaotic like yours....great job...all the best for the jam
hello there, really sorry for the late reply....
Anyways if you are still free I would really like to discuss with you further. In short we are the team of 2 , me as a dev and a music composer. Our aim is think out of the box and experiment with a unique Point of view over the theme. I have sent you a discord message, so that we can continue our discussion further.
Waiting for you reply, have a great day !
Hello, i am Rosh, and i have been using Gdevelop for 4 years now. i have participated in 8 jams including all the 2d jams of Gdevelop and created 12+ games until now. Even though we did not win yet, we have always ended up on pretty great rankings. 19th was the highest rank we managed to get.
For the upcoming game jam, i was looking for a 2d artist and a music composer to work with. My aim is always to create something unique and different. You can check out my previous games on my itch profile. To continue the discussion dm me on discord : pih_realms.
Have a great day !
Hey. hope you doing well.
I saw your profile and I must say you are pretty good at composing music. I do have a sound designer on the team, but I would really like to have you on board as a music composer. It's weird that you couldn't find me on Discord. Maybe reply to me with your discord name so I can look you up. Alternatively here's my Gmail if that helps. : studios.pihrealms@gmail.com
Hey, hope you are doing well. I am an indie game developer and have created 15+ games. Some of them are available here on my profile. I have participated in 7 game jams before, including one of the well known GMTK game jam. Not developed any game for past 2 months, because of life getting in the way. Also didnt had anything inspiring to work on. However spooky/ horror genre's are one of my gavourites to work on, so i would love to join this jam with you. You can dm me n discord to continue the conversation. "Roshh#4897".
Hey, this is Roshan, an indie game dev. I have created 15+ games and have participated in 7 jams before including the well-known GMTK game jam (You can see a few of my games on my itch profile). The highest rank our team climbed was #19th out of 284 entries in Gdevelop jam #3. My aim this time is to be in the top 15, and ofc also having fun enjoying the jam. Spooky/creepy content is my kinda taste, and if you feel the same then let us get together and make a spooky dark atmospheric game! My discord-- " Roshh#4897 ", and my g-mail-- "studios.pihrealms@gmail.com".
Hey good evening Langi,
Roshan here. I am an indie developer with 12+ games. I have participated in 7 game jams until now, including GMTK jam, Mini-jam as well as Black & White jam. You can check my games on my itch profile. Right now apart from me as a developer, i have a music composer in the team. I would like to connect and discuss a few things with you over Discord. "Roshh#4897". My Timezonee is IST, will be waiting for your message.
Have a good day.
The concept was unique and fun. Loved playing it. I guess it's inspired by Hue in terms of mechanics.
I loved the puzzle those mechanics were creating. I am not sure how this was fitting the theme tho.
I loved the sound, Visuals could still be improved. The control instructions were not clear, like using the "X" key for the jump took a lot of tries to figure out. Could not find much in terms of UI. The cutscene and level transitions were smooth and well-worked. Overall a good entry.
Do try our game Separated Shadows as well. Lemme know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
That was a unique take on the theme. I saw the thumbnail of the shoes, and i was like what game can someone make with shoes? well, it was really fun, the join mechanics really gave a big room for some clever puzzles.
The graphics could still be better, especially UI. Ui needs a lot of work and polish. Maybe instead of a bunch of texts on the second level, create a popup, that appears when shoes collide with the wall.
The texts on the timer pulled me off the visuals, maybe use more icons instead.
Overall it was a great game with a unique concept. Keep working on this post-jam, I can see this being the next hyper-casual hit, something like the Cut the Rope or Where is my water? Kinda game.
Do try our game Separated Shadows as well. Lemme know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
The most amazing game, out of every game that i rated so far.
The animations got me. The game was fun. And i really liked the take on the theme. It was really a clever and unique concept. The idea of using extra elements was great. Overall a great submission. I hope you win something.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Combination of Fruit ninja and bubble shooter, I liked the mechanics. The animation were cute, and smooth. The music suits the game, but i would suggest to add more juice post jam. Overall great job
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Wow, that was fun, I loved the game mechanics and art style. The music was suiting as well. Great job.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Okay, this was what i was worried about, being too dumb to enjoy it, and that's exactly the result.
I spent like 10 minutes but was not able to get past the first level. I saw that the other levels were unlocked, but what's the point when you can get stuck on the first one forever?
The game was good, the mechanics were smooth. The color palate and music were very suitable. It was lacking juice when compared to Ahnaf's usual standard. Overall I enjoyed being destroyed on the first level itself, but it's definitely me not knowing what valencies are. I kinda remember our science teacher teaching this, But i ignored it, as i did with trigonometry. I never realized i would use it to play a game. okay, i got too off the track. But the point was, the game is great, it's just not for me. It needs intelligence, which means i am not a target audience.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
I was waiting to see what you got this time. But then i just forgot about you. Right now when i came across your game, i knew its gonna be amazing and unique even before i tried it. And i was right!
The loading screen was too slow. Honestly, the slowest compared to any other game i rated so far.
The graphics in the game were amazing but I cannot say the same for the UI on the menu screen. I liked your take on the theme. The voiceovers and music were on point as well. Zombies (Or whatever that thing was) had just the perfect pace, not too fast nor too slow. One thing i could not figure out was where am i supposed to go, sure it was somewhere around some dumpster thing, but the map felt big without the clear instruction, or maybe i was dumb enough to not understand it. Overall i liked the game very much. And i am waiting for the next stories to play post-jam.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
I liked the game. The graphics were cool and one of the major issues in all the games i played so far was no clear instructions. However, this game tackled the issue very well, with simple mechanics and a proper instruction screen.
There are a few things I would like to point out. Starting with the stack of fruits all overlaying on top of each other creates a mess. The actual challenge in this kinda game should be putting them in the correct basket, but the challenge I faced was picking out each fruit carefully and slowly. Maybe decrease the number of fruits on the screen.
Secondly, are you using collision to detect the correct basket? because the game needs me to drop every fruit at a specific point, which slows down the experience. But it seems this game is actually supposed to be fast-paced. Maybe use the distance between two objects instead.
I saw a lots of this kinda separation-based game so for sure not the very original concept. But i personally loved the overall gameplay. It was fun and simple. I liked the art as well.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
I liked the game. It was not super original, but it was fun. You literally submitted it 6 days before the deadline? You could have improved the game more. Anyways major issue i felt was the lack of clear instruction. Like the player needs a way to understand that the pizzas go on the left and burgers on right. It took me a while to figure it out. You could have also added the clock ticking sound. Art looks good, but still there was a space for improvement. overall It was a fun little experience with huge room for improvement.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
usually, i don't play shooter games that often, but i enjoyed this one a lot. Cannot say that the art was great, but its weird art style makes it look more fun. That spider never let me past him. Voiceover was the part i like most, the tone of the voice. especially the line "Bubble, i failed you". One thing i would say was that the UI felt yo hidden. I did not even know their was a health bar for half of the time i played. Other than that amazing game.
Other than that amazing game.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Wow, this was a fun game. I was here playing to play each jam game for 5 minutes. and here I am playing this for 15 minutes straight without realization. This is what I would call fun! The first few plays were confusing as the game itself didn't have proper instructions. But as soon as i figured out about changing signs, i started enjoying it. The pacing was perfect. The graphics and sound were great. Since this is only based on mouse press, this should work on mobile. And if this does, i have got my next quick mobile game to play.
Overall a simple, engaging, and fun game.
Do check our game Separated Shadows as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Okay so the game seems simple, and the idea is great. But the instruction says to bark 3 times when close to a bear to scare them away. I replayed it around 7 times and still, I cannot scare the bear away.
I guess the reason might be not knowing what is considered "close". You can use events like the distance between two objects to display whether the player is effectively close enough or not on the screen. The game visually looks on point, but the sound design (Music) needs some attention.
Apart from that, I liked the game and the use of the theme.
Also, do check out our game Separated shadows as well. Let me know your review. Thanks in advance.
Okay so get the mechanics of multiplying the soul, but the first thing the game needs is goal.
Try adding a black cell, that is created randomly by the game. Maybe add a timer and give the goal to the player to keep the amount of green cells higher than black before the timer runs out.
Right now it does not feel like a game, But add a Goal to the player, Improve the art, and add the click sound effect to make the game more fun.
Also do check out our game Separated Shadows , and let me know your review. Thanks in advance.
"Congratulations you lost successfully" I am a pro at this thing.
I liked the game. Honestly, it was not the most original concept, But it was a fun little game to enjoy.
Controls were not clear at the start, but not having a complicated system helped me to figure out the controls quickly.
I saw a lot of shooter games, but the biggest thing about this game that felt different was the presentation. The stage with the curtains and the audience calmly watching something literally blast.
The art wasn't great and the music/game juice could have easily been improved. But it's a game jam, and having something submitted is itself a big achievement. Keep it up on that. Overall a fun little game.
Also, check out our game Separated Shadows as well, i would love to hear your review.
Thanks in advance.
Glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for your time.
And by d way Ball Challenge 2 is just amazing, I still cannot stop playing it.