First, aesthetically, the game is really good. It has a charming hand-drawn feel, and the SFX and music are nice—nothing much to say other than it's well done. However, when it comes to gameplay, I’m a bit frustrated because this game could be much better than it is now. It has amazing potential.
I like how you implemented the enemy encounter system; at first, I thought it was going to be turn-based, but then it shifted to a side-scroller, which reminded me a bit of Undertale. The dodge mechanic is a great idea, but I didn’t like that I couldn’t move left or right. It didn’t feel good, and sometimes, no matter what I did, I still got hit. This might be due to projectiles having random creation times or something similar, which made it frustrating.
Now, when I said this game has great potential, I meant you could have made each enemy encounter unique. For example, the first could involve dodging bullets, the second could be bullet-hell style, and the next could involve platforming. I’m not sure why you only included one type of encounter—maybe due to time constraints or focusing on other aspects—but overall, it’s a great entry. I hope you all continue making amazing stuff like this!