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A member registered Dec 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Anything I can do about no 3d rendering being displayed?

I see the menu and overlaid instructions after pressing Start or Tutorial. No 2d elements are removed, except instructions after pressing Esc, then a purple background shows up. Got it to be an orange background later somehow.

I'm using a GTX 1050 (laptop) on Windows 10, so I thought that would be good enough.

(Edit: and messing with the resolution, graphics quality, and windowed or not, didn't change anything)

Thank you! Materials with shaders was a big time saver for the day/night cycle.

Thanks! Thought about doing photographs or stock images or something for final scene, but yeah, ran out of time\energy.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the comment! Glad it was overall a nice experience. About the building in the middle: yeah, I wanted to have a dialog about being too scared to go in, but ran out of time\energy for development.

Didn't get out of the maze, with arachnophobia and all. So, yeah, effectively creepy spiders. Good job scaring me!

Thanks! Probably not the most optimized approach, but I scaled each line of the boardwalk and edge of buildings horizontally- within the viewframe- to get that effect.