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A member registered Aug 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Adheres to the theme pretty well. Makes me remember what's where without being too punishing.

Well done!

Interesting idea to use your movement as a resource, especially in a movement-heavy genre like a platformer. 

I wish I saw what my goal is in the menu or in the beginning of the level. I didn't even think about reading the instructions ^^

Good job for 48hrs tho!

Solid base of a game right here. I feel that it's my fault when I get damaged. 

Nice work!

Nice work.  Feels pretty polished for a 48h project. Well done!

Thanks a lot!

Glad to hear that you have a good time!

Yeah it's still a bit janky here'n'there. I'll try to cover as much as I can in the post-jam period


Thank you! Kenney's assets play the major role there

Glad you like it!

Couldn't have achieved this feel without Kenney ^^

Thank you for the kind words!


Well, that ambush was kind of intended ^^


Yes I need to balance some numbers. It'll feel way better after the voting period.

Glad to hear that you had fun!

I'll see what I can add after the voting phase

Nice kitbashing of different asset packs.

I'd feel a bit better hitting ghosts a bit clearer though.


I guess you played it the right way by running away 😅. You have no chance head-on.

You're correct about the visuals as well, need to iron out those issues after the voting period.

Thank you for the kind words!

True that I got carried away by the level design a little bit, because it was so easy to build them and add to the game. I'll sort it out after the voting period

Thank you!

Yup. Cleaning up the catacombs is pretty much is after lunch routine.

Thank you!

Yeah true, it feels a little empty with all that action going on. I tried to strictly keep myself to Kenney assets, though.

Interesting one. The mechanic is promising.

Small suggestion: If switching the skill would take me an additional turn, it would be me think a bit more making my move. At the moment I'm just playing it like an action game (I must say I haven't got far yet though)

Visuals are clean and understandable.

Nice work.

Thank you!

You're correct about the visuals. Maybe I should make the floor and the ceiling different colors, that would make things a bit easier for the player

Thanks for the kind words! I spent a bit of time to get the hit feedback right. Since it's the thing you do the most in the game, it made sense to spare the time to make it as good as possible. That meant other things (like balancing) went out of the window ^^


Yeah I agree, some aspects could be a bit more forgiving, didn't have the time to balance unfortunately

Yeah sometimes it sounds like DROP SURRENDER YOUR OR WEAPON DIE


Thanks! Yes I had shared a couple of gifs there


Thank you for the kind words! 

That's exactly what I'll be working on

Thanks a lot for the kind words (and sorry for the screams)!

I'll try to come up with a longer and more polished experience. There's definitely a lot more room to explore with this mechanic.

That actually made me think at times. Well done for your first jam!

That's really good to hear!

And yes, unfortunately, navigation is a problem I'm aware of, especially with the limited line of sight.  I had a few ideas that could help with that, but couldn't make it until the deadline. Probably I'll utilize those in an upcoming title. I really want to further explore what this mechanic could give way to.

Well... Maybe you were? 

Great to hear that I was able to get across!

Good to hear that you liked it! That's right, it's more of a walking simulator.

Glad you like it!

That's true, there isn't much interaction, it's more like a walking simulator/tech demo. 

Nice. Consistent visuals snappy controls made it an enjoyable experience.

Only the gravestones feel like blocking me unexpectedly. I think they need to stand out more.

Came for the candies and fooling the guards, stayed for the story

Thanks for the words, glad you like it!

Also glad to see that the experience got across accurately

no escape.

Yep, visuals are pleasing, combat is fun and spooks taste good. Soundscape changing between rooms  is also adding to the atmosphere.

Took me a few tries to beat (actually had to switch to tryhard gamer mode), but it was satisfying rather than annoying. Well done!

Wish my Derpy projectiles a bit faster though.

(1 edit)

Didn't have the chance to playtest. I hope you don't get lost ^^

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