Thanks for this great release. We just started a ST Offline Tournament round in January 2025 here:
Creator of
Recent community posts
We just do a SpaceZot competition in the ST Offline Tournament (STOT) at So far it's fun and challenging. I would recommend to adjust the appearance of the aliens (1000points). Since at the moment thair random appearance makes the score not comparable. Beside this I enjoy the game a lot, great job.
I rewrote the menu as I completely messed up the button handling! Typical Jam stress blackout, and the song now loops.
After a well-deserved night's sleep and fixing some annoying little bugs, I'm in a good mood and I'd like to say that I'm extremely happy with the result so far. The game is hard, but the world is also hard, and all those old-fashioned brown leather trousers out there are neither nice nor fair, so it's a real-life simulation. Try to get a high score and have fun.
Finally, some time to say thank you:
- Thank you to & steam users for supporting Problemlöser and motivating me to make this release. Developing proletarian games relies heavily on motivation, as pointing out problems and showing other solutions is harder than following the mainstream "everyone has fun but no message".
- Thank you gwEm for the fantastic music.
- Thanks to the MFG (hi to Andrea & team) for organizing the GJJ The Länd in Karlsruhe.
- Thanks to the local organizers during the GGJ, your passion was world class.
- Thanks to the sponsors for the food and drinks.
- Thanks to the city of Karlsruhe for having something like the ZKM.
- Thanks to Laura Schmidt from the ZKM for the tour of the Gaming exhibition installed at the ZKM Karlsruhe. Go there, see the exhibition, it's great.
- Thanks to the mates from Spielentwicklung Konstanz (Benny, KCube, HanibalV) for the great conversations about gaming and the rest of the world.
- Thanks to mate ZeHa for organizing a table for the whole group
Today Problemlöser was released on Steam:
Great that exists and offers indie devs like Pionierwerk the opportunity to present the game to a broader audience. And great that Steam exists to present the game to a larger audience.
1) Get a pc-mode-image or something comparable
2) Flash it to an USB drive (1 used a 128GB one from Samsung)
3) Put the USB drive into one of the USB ports of the VCS 800
4) Power on the VCS 800
5) Select "Debian GNU/Linux ... " from the boot options
6) Download Problemlöser from, choose the Linux version.
7) Chmod the binary to be executable (chmod u+x [FILENAME])
8) After the start, the game could be very slow, I pressed CTRL + ALT + DOWN and the CTRL + ALT + UP to switch the virtual desktop once and then return to the original virtual desktop, then the game runs in normal speed
9) Have fun. Play with the Atari VCS Game pad. Connect it via USB
This is Hans, he is the hero of my game "Problemlöser" which I released some days ago. I made a whole story with 10 levels and 9 mannequin models. Many thanks for this great product. I have a lot of ideas and will use for the next adventures of Hans and others.
I also created an Etsy shop where you could buy a green hoodie with the game logo, so at the release party I was dressed as Hans. The only difference is that he is 30 years younger than I.
I added two new items to the Etsy shop:
The Problemlöser polo without back print, but with Pionierwerk logo
The Problemlöser hoodie without back print, but with Pionierwerk logo

De-Bugging was never so much fun!
Problemlöser (engl. Problem solver) available on
Frankfurt (Germany), September 27, 2023 – Pionierwerk proudly announces its new game "Problemlöser" on for Windows and Linux PCs, costing three Dollars. The title combines arcade-style gameplay with adventure-like story elements surrounding a protagonist named Hans. The player has to master ten levels of de-bugging servers – pretty literally – while avoiding annoyed admins. The gameplay gets faster with each level, resulting in quicker bugs that need catching and crazy admins to be avoided, requiring concentration and speed. The humorous adventure-like story provide some additional variety. "Problemlöser" is the third adventure of Hans & Heidi after "Eng beinander" and "Randale im Wald" (GameJam release). "Problemlöser" was made with the open source and collaboratively developed 2D game engine Godot. URL:
Watch gameplay video on Youtube:
The story of the game
You are Hans. You have just finished school and received your "Digitalführerschein" (a German govermental initiative to make people fit for digital life). You are looking for an opportunity to become an IT professional to earn money for more gadgets for your eSports hobby. Luckily you get an offer from Schnellzünder IT (Schnellzünder in english means fast thinker) to become a trainee in their department. Bärbel Babou, the CIO, has a first project for you to check the code for the canteen menu web application. Now it's up to you to show all the high potentials at Schnellzünder IT what a school kid with a Digitalführerschein is capable of. Start debugging the script, find bugs and avoid the admins while you’re debugging. Get more projects as you debug through ten challenging levels. But be aware that if you fail, your shining IT career may soon come to an untimely end!
About Pionierwerk Writing games is my hobby since the eighties. I grew up in the Atari computer scene and wrote games for Atari ST, Atari 8-Bit and Atari Falcon. The most notable ones were the "Spitzernreiter" football manager series on the Atari ST, "Bremspunkt" – a four player game for Atari 8-Bit computers and the eight player Tron-like "Grenzüberschreitung" for the Atari Falcon.
After writing engines (NonKonForm, KonFormität) in lua for the Atari Falcon and for Linux and releasing the eight player frogger like "Willkommen" on, I did a co-production called "Eng beinander" with Dr. Wuro Industries before I switched to Godot.
PRESS CONTACT Thorsten Butschke