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A member registered Nov 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

It's more like an engine transition and with pictures, this story already was in Text Adventure. Eh, ok.

I also recommend you add tegs like "weight-gain" and "stuffing".

(1 edit)

It was surprisingly romantic and arousing. I didnt thought I could find such a game with such nice fat fetish elements just using bbw teg. Waiting for update.

(1 edit)

My main problem right now is the text size. Can you make it bigger on 1-2 size lvls? Like here

If I take a sit on the chair, no text appears.

You need download  JoiPlay (simulator).

 The game doesnt work: BMR is always zero.

No, its about slow progress

Not bad, but I found a couple bugs: 1) If I eat just cupckakes what Nick offers, right before the ending the text will be not on English.

2) If I refuse eat in car and then eat in the restroom, on the next page the text will be doubled.

(1 edit)

Nice, I dont know anything about MalO (at all), so it was really nice experience. But I am curios about NSFW content. I saw sprites, but I cant find it in the game process.

Found a bug (?): MC icon doesnt appear

It does work on PC

After tit suck from Betsie I dont get healed, at all.

Go to guest room, there you order delivery.

Thit is suddenly good. I am not into guys or being pray, but all of these "romances" are wholesome and nice if you wont fail, these guys act pretty gentle with MC, even tho they are a prey.  I am up for future content.

(1 edit)

How can GET those files if I play it in browser?

At the first one I: 1) fight a bandit (you can see the result lower; 2)spend all day at surface; 3) clean Leisure lab and automatically go to sleep and here I am. By the way, I just try again, and go without a issue, thought the second bug still happened.

At the second one, like a said, I fought a bandit and got defeated. That's all.

And the link still not working.

(2 edits)

Found a couple of bugs:

Not sure about this one. I fought with a bandit and this is what is with my health.

And the discord link doesn't work.

(1 edit)

Your choice, but I'm not into it. I'm just saying that I would like to know that it will be there to at least trying to not care about it, without being shocked.

(4 edits)

Maybe it is just me, but it too many M/M scenes here. Or I am just too negative about that most of characters have RIDICULOUSLY GIANT cocks that I would like to have a warning about. But for the rest it looks nice and promising.

I guess developers decided that players know how to play fnaf 1, so they make nights and power drainage faster.

Does that mean that there will be Fnaf 2? Or it is first part of Definitive Edition?

That is fixed now.

(2 edits)

OH. MY. GOD. I completely forgot about this! I dont even recognise it in first - I know this universe! Only when I saw these folks I remember a game that I like, but wasnt watching for update of it.

I guess I should go and find it in depths of Weight gaming. Thanks for the game.

UPD.: Seems like nothing changed, that is sad.

But I have issue: why now digesting sounds? 

Yeah, completely not what I expected. I guess I will just go on and forget this joke. 

(3 edits)

1. I mean stage textes: if I eat just food in friege, I have nothing. If I eat a Grummys (I hope I write it right) bar I have this: "Your belly is now hard to the touch..." . Not actually this, I just took a part.  After I eat everything I could find (except for the order and snack in the garage, but later on it), it disappears. Also if I eat all snacks before the fridge than eat what it have, you have this text: "It’s getting harder to keep your belly tucked into your pajamas". Are these textes hints? Well, the first I mentioned IS a hint, I have found a Twix just now, lol. 

The same question to the bold text with TV.

2. About the order: you dont get it, I have already ordered, I just cant have it. When I make an order, I have this: "Oh wait, they’ve already found one. That was quick! Well, it’s set then. All you need to do now is just wait for the timer to go off, and enjoy your meal." I seared for it everywhere, but nothing. As I guess from your hint, I need to eat everything except for food in the basement. 

And here is the 3. problem - I cant find the snack from the garage.

4. "All those bugs you mentioned? GONE." Nope, still the scales. if you back off from them after stepping on, error appears.

5. Is that ok that after inspecting phone you cant take a sit on the couch?

6. You are right about ending 5, I was just have to do more than eat something.

(8 edits)

Well, even for now it feels great. Nice text and - my favourite - feeling of intrigue. I mean, I still feel that there is kind of myst about that Emily doesnt remember how she have got so fat, about her wierd hunger, about snacks in places where they shouldn't be, about hints of a not-so-distant sporting life, and about Jack likes fat Emily.

Now, about bugs and errors: 1) If you find the code before you eat food in the fridge, you wont be able to open the safe before you eat in the fridge. Why? Is that supposed to be like that?

And more, after you get the thing from it, it still will be locks and still Emily wont know what is there. Again, why?

2) Work jeans: as it mentioned before, if you interact with work jeans before eating in the kitchen, an error will appear.

3) Scales: if you interact with these after you eat in the pantry, there will be no text (same with the casket and socials all time), and when you click on the on "Back", error notification appears. And immediately after I step away from the scales, them same error appears. Nothing fatal thought.

4) Toilet in the same room: almost the same thing - interact with it after most of events — error appears.

5) The trigger for the third ending does not work immediately, but only after I left that room for the second time. It spoils the moment a bit.

And one more thing (I'm not sure if that's and bug or something): I've noticed that after eating some text changes, but not for always. For example, after you eat the pastries and come to living room you feel how stuffed your belly is, but after eating all snacks it disappears. Why?

Thats all I noticed, now questions: 1) Is there anything usefull in the garage? Technically, I could take containers to get to the cupboard or the attic. Or tools to fix a lawnmower (although I do not know what it may be needed for). Or find something in the cars.

2) Speaking of attic and cupboard, how can I reach them?

3) Endings: I get endings 1, 2, 4 and 5c. How can I get endings 3, 5a and 5b? Hints at least?

4) How can I get my order? I guess there has to be something that triggers it, what is it?

5) Why the hell there are THREE toilets?

P.S. I recommend you to post your game on Weight Gaming , you will probably find even more attention there. Plus it's possible to make safe spoilers there.


File for Joyplay users doesn't work. It asks for MPV, and I don't have it.

I already saw it, but thanks.

(1 edit)

Amazing. Though I cant get 6 and 8 ending, though I get the spoon and even react about 515 of weight. And I cant pass through the officer in galleria mail, no matter how thin or fat am I.

(2 edits)

Then you are goddamn machine, cause I have no Idea how I could get more than 500 at least.

(1 edit)

Well, it could be better. 

In addition to the problem with the girl at the third house, there are others:

1 Camera. It is not assigned to the character, which is why at the first stage you can crash into the enemy without seeing what's next. A trifle, but still unpleasant.

2 Sometimes the opponent pushes you into the wall and there is a great chance that you will not get out of it, only if you are thrown out of the wall you will be able to move away.

3. The character himself is higher than in the first stage. Because of this, it is unclear how to beat the enemy in first. The down kick doesn't work, the side kick doesn't always work, only the up kick works fine. Only when the stage increases, everything becomes normal.

4. Is it normal that a giant woman at the end of the dungeon is killed with a couple of blows?

5. I would like a gallery or something like that so that you could see all the stages of weight gain, including those that you missed.

Nevermind, I fixed that by making a higher resolution.

(1 edit)

Most of experience is ruined because of things like this. 

And this happens always. Though it was better when I start. Still, I like the game anf hope that will be fixed.

(1 edit)

This game is damn broken. In the bad way.

1)Cursed jump. If you get pushed between food and acid - about 20 hp is lost.  That is a lot, taking into consideration that there is no healing or checkpoints and there is a huge way to go for final ending. Jumping is useless in that case, food and bones just wont let you go higher than about 1/6 of your height. And the highest jump is about 1/3 of your high. That is very small.

2) Dumb AI. I dont know why they are added here, it is hard enough without them. They act stupid. Even if they have the high ground, after a few seconds they may start running down or even into you, so you wont get out from acid. And again, their bones are making jump on them very small or impossible. Finally, they jump higher than you somehow.

3) TOO high score for the last picture. I spend about 6 tries, and here is my highest score. This picture starts about from 200. I dont how much I need for final, but taking into consideration the controlling and other factors (including the others I didnt mention) this is just unfair.

I think I get only first and third. Do I need to too something special or it is random?