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Pixel Brush

A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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TempleCraft community · Created a new topic Pure gold

Amazing work, keep it up!

Got a score of 18! I feel it’s important to mention that two pages spawned below the health indicators. But keep up the good work! (Let’s ignore that I’m over 2 years late on this front lmfao)

Just saw the video. Great work!

Awesome to finally see this tool being released! Can't wait to see what fun stuff you'll show us with it in the future!

You did good, considering this is your first Jam!

A bleat out of 5?! That's too much! 


Simplistic, though it's a bit of a mess since you have to download two files separately to get it to run. I'd recommend either getting the HTML build to work next time or to package the .pck and .exe into a zip file

Think you misunderstood what was meant by the Limitation. Nice pixel work though.

Congrats on finishing it, and thank you for enjoying it!

Yeah. I considered lowering the volume but I forgot about that before I submitted it. Not to mention that the sound is needed as an indicator for when you're in the Scribbles. 

Good work on beating it tho! Even I didn't manage that!

Reason it wasn't the highest priority issue, heh

Thank you!

Thank you!!

Thank you! And yeah, I'm aware. I just hoped nobody would get stuck there because I couldn't be bothered to make an exception just in that one area >u>

Yeap! Wish I had added an actual explosion animation now, heh

Doubles as a messenger of potential doom, heh

The main char does actually have a walk cycle, I just couldn't figure out how to make it animate properly in Unity ^^"

Maybe I'll update this game sometime.

I planned on adding a Tutorial. But making the fourth level took longer than originally expected, causing the 5th level and the tutorial level to get cut.

I lost the entire second day, so most of the coding was done on the last day, including making all the levels.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the Graphics comment.

And yeah. I'm quite aware of that issue. But I simply didn't have the time or necessary experience. 50% of my time developing this was figuring out Unity components I had never worked with before.

Yeah... I figured out how I wanted to make the robber move about three hours before the deadline. I unfortunately couldn't quite get a more fun system into place since I still wanted to have some more Levels. Maybe I'll get back to this game to fix some stuff. But this is it for now. 

Thank you!

Unfortunately I didn't have time to add those, apologies!