No, but you can use the google translate or use the source code STE Github Link to modify the languaje.
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Hello FunkyFight, I am using the STE source code to modify it and add some features, the .json data saves the position of the note in the frame, so if you want to export with seconds you have to change it in the STE Github Link but yes If you want to use frames you will have to divide the time by 60 so the code will look like this:
###Create Event###
level = load_json(path)
row1 = level.notes[0]
row1index = 0
row2 = level.notes[1]
row2index = 0
music = audio_play_sound(music)
###Step Event###
var _audpos = audio_sound_get_track_position(
var _noteoff = the distance to destination / notes velocity
for(var i = row1index; i < array_length(row1); i++){
var _note = row1[i]
if (_note.start-_noteoff) <=_audpos && (_note.start-_noteoff) > 0{
var _instnote = instance_create_layer(x,y,"Notes",oFallingNote)
_instnote.vel = notes velocity
row1index = i + 1
###Notes object###
###Create Event###
vel = 0
###Step Event###
y += vel
if y >= destination{
//do the thing you want if the note is correct
if y > room_height{