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A member registered Oct 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Considering the program gives more control over the sprites than most sprite packers, adding the ability to pack multiple images would automatically make your program better than almost every sprite packing tool there is (including ones that range from $15 to $70, no joke). Sprite packers that actually allow control over images are weirdly rare and I don't know why.

Wait... Did you remove the downloadable program? This was one of many pixel art programs I was planning on adding in a video about accessible downloadable pixel art programs. I'll either have to leave the program out or just redistribute the original executable, but only with your permission.

Never mind, I'm an idiot. I was frantically playing around with the program so much that I didn't see the popup that explained what the 'shift' button did.

The program's fine, it's great, I recommend it.

What I want most right now are more tutorials for the engine. I can hardly find anything for DragonRuby that's comprehensive (like all the fundamentals to create a completed game, or a full game code-along that isn't pong or breakout). Things like figuring out top down 8 way movement (without diagonal speed increase) and setting up long quests with dialogue and branching conditionals is very hard and requires brute force manual learning (like RayLib). I was happily reading a tutorial book for the engine made by a user and part way through the writer mentioned 8 way normalized movement and then cheekily left it up to the reader to figure out how to do it, which I was kind of a little really totally angry about. But yeah, more YouTube content would be great if there are users willing to contribute, plus it would help more people to know about the engine. I for one only found out DragonRuby exists because I was scraping through the Tools section of Itch out of sheer curiosity.

I have to be honest, I feel disappointed with the purchase. The main reason I bought this is because of the ability to move sprites on the sheet. I have a ton of tiles that need to be organized on the sheet in certain patterns so I bought the program and loaded up a folder with 192 sprites. I realized soon that attempting to move the sprites around to the correct places resulted in a constant re-arranging of the surrounding sprites, which resulted in a perpetual unmanageable slide puzzle. If moving a sprite to a new location swapped places with that sprite, it would work perfectly. But as it is it's near impossible to arrange my sprites, so I feel like the money was wasted.

drafft community · Created a new topic GDD Markdown Bug

You may already be aware of this but if typing using markdown, then adding another document for a different subject for example, the second document's content will replace the first document's.

Ok thanks for the scam.

Ok thanks for the scam.

Ah, well at least we've had the same ideas! I'll keep using the program and see if anything else pops up into my head in the mean time. Also just in case you want to make it easier to communicate (or if there are any ideas better shared through email) you can get in touch at

At the moment my idea is regarding the categories and their elements. As it is there are locked categories (characters, items, concepts etc) which are fine, but the elements you can add to each category are identical. I feel like having particular elements available for their suited categories would help maintain the aesthetic "illusion" of the program if you get what I mean. As it is it kind of feels like a selection of notepads with identical elements (not sure if I'm communicating this properly but the "feel" or "direction" of a program can effect how drawn into its world the end user will feel, basically like a game).

My idea would be to have the category layout as a demo template, then for a blank project, a category can be added and named by the user, who can then assign an icon to it (like the icons already there) from a list. What this would allow is for the user to feel like they are directing the look and feel of their project with provided assets - this would also allow the expansion of more icons in the future (for example an icon for beasts, an icon for traversal etc).

I have other ideas for the elements to be added to each category but for now I'll just throw this one out there.

LoreKeeper community · Created a new topic Development

This is a really promising tool with an attractive interface. If you're open to ideas/requests as you go along I'd be happy to add any info that could help. For example I noticed that you can delete elements added to an info window, but the delete graphic doesn't always stay while the cursor is placed over it, so it took me a while to figure out I could actually delete an element.

That markdown command and auto convert functionality is genius.

It mentions spell checking language options but I can't seem to find that function. I've been using the toggle option in the mean time because no matter what language or keyboard style I set Windows to it doesn't affect drafft's spellcheck style.



Decker community · Created a new topic APE exe

Just letting you know while downloading the lilt APE executable file Windows detected a virus and stopped the download.

Yep, now I get it. Thanks!

I can't figure out what that little selection box is under the colour sliders to the right. I've been switching between the two options and trying everything to compare it but I never notice anything different.

I can't load the file - Fusion says the file was created with a "newer version", even though I'm using Fusion 2.5 build R294.14 from January this year.

The reason I know this exists is because of Vinny.

Interface is very FabFilter-like.

"What if I were to teach you some miracles... Would that please you?"

(1 edit)

I'll explain what lead me to believe this, because the Cocos website is vague.

Upon installing the Cocos dashboard I'm told "to compile native projects you'll need Visual Studio and C++ common tools". From what I know, Visual Studio (as opposed to Visual Studio Code) is what you use when compiling and packaging a program - which I don't like using because I've found it uses up way more of my computers resources and isn't as simple as hitting 'export' in any other game engine and having the engine do the work, which I believe is a common feature in game engines. So, I went to the Cocos site again and looked at the "Cocos Runtime" page, which has a 'contact us' option and no other useful information - this led me to believe that in order to have access to an easier in-engine compiler/exporter, I'd have to pay for it (I can't stress this enough, the website is very vague).

Regarding the resource usage of Cocos itself, I opened up the editor and checked my task manager. It was using from 2500-3000mb of RAM as opposed to 1500mb for Unity, 1300mb for Godot and around 400mb for engines like ct.js, NRG, Fusion 2.5 etc.

I really don't know what else to tell you, apart from this is what I've been led to believe based on what I've seen on the site and what I've experienced with the engine. I'm running on Windows 11 by the way.

One big thing I'd want changed/added is the undo ability. As it is ctrl+z doesn't undo, while clicking the undo button seems to just decrease the opacity of the last pixel placed a few times and then stops working altogether.

I really love this tool but having to select the transparent colour and manually undo is very cumbersome.

The canvas keeps turning into a very small square with no way to enlarge it. I have to make the canvas huge just to be able to see a decent size square on the screen, plus the grid doesn't provide any functionality as it's locked to an arbitrary size. I'm on Windows 11.

I'll wait to see if this can be solved, if not I'm definitely going to want a refund because I can't use the program as intended.

Clicking on the palette, load or save buttons does nothing. I also have to end the program in task manager to close it. I'm on Windows 11.

I thought the page said it "supports several scripting languages".

Well you seem to be attentive to the comments, that's something.

Btw what's up with that dawn file?

ps  Admittedly I've quit on my share of half finished projects...

hilbert community · Created a new topic Development

Is this thing still in early access after all these years?

I'd say I'm not surprised but it just eats away at my soul a little how Itch is both a hub for passionate devs but also a magnet for abandonware devs.

I was a little gobsmacked at just how much RAM this thing eats, on top of having to compile and package the finished game yourself if you don't fork over extra money for an exporter tool. I think I'll stick with the other 8 engines that offer that feature for free lol.

Oof, paying 70 bucks and only being able to type in C is a big drawback for me. I love C, but I'd mostly want to use this program for managing my C#, Lua and Python code while developing for certain game engines.

Looks like I'll have to wait a few years for further updates.

If the UI framework doesn't pan out initially then having a hot loaded game window with a main script file would be the most attractive format, rather than the common code-build-repeat format.

I can imagine a bunch of free-loading idiots trying to misuse this to extract tiles from example maps made by artists selling their tileset packs.

Nevermind, I'm stupid. I didn't realize there was a whole website with all that information lol.

I've noticed it's strong similarity to the old Unity. The only problem is I can't figure out how to use it. Opening up the contents only shows blank pages (I've had this problem with another program's user manual, not sure if it's an issue in Windows 11 at the moment, but RPG Maker's manual is the same and seems to work fine).

Palette Wizard community · Created a new topic LCH Options

The page mentions luminance, chroma and hue - are these values available to work with in the editor? The demo only contained selections for RGB and HSV essentially.

I'd love to have a grid where I can set a custom colour in each cell. I can't use regular palette creators after using this one, but I really like the grid based approach as well.

This might seem like a stupid question but, what exactly is this program? There's no info on the page other than that it's an integrated development environment and does something with retro graphics.

Yep, stay away from this page and this program. You've been warned.

I see tilesets can be used for 2D maps, but do 3D maps require exterior assets or can they be created in the program from scratch?