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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is a fun game! I really like some of the details, like how you flip around when you get into a whirlpool and how the colors change whenever you collect an orb.

Thank you!

Thank you so much!

No need to thank me! It's really fun! I love the ending, by the way.  It creepy and completely fit's the tone! Great job! I can't wait to see what's next!

Thank you for the feedback and suggestions! Yeah, I do really need to work out the credit system. The game has a number of turns equal to 1 + the number of players so I really need to change that for solo players. A repeat button is a good idea as well, and I really like the idea of having an impostor, it would add some nice depth and replay ability. Again, thanks so much!

Oh no it's fine! Thanks for telling me how to get past it. I'll check out the rest of the game before I give my final rating!

The game was really challenging and fun! I enjoyed learning the solution for the puzzles. I even occasionally felt that the solution to the puzzle wasn't intended, largely because of the other unused platforms I encountered. I found it a bit like Celeste almost, which I'm currently loving. It, however, was a bit frustrating where I had to  do things over and over again, especially with the long levels, parts where precise movements are required, and sometimes repetitive actions and challenges, like climbing up the ladder in the beginning of chapter 2, though I see these are part of the design. It also, as mentioned previously, had a bit of a difficulty spike in level two. I liked the clever idea of moving while things were changing. I loved the music. However, I was unable to progress beyond the second level due to a bug where I got stuck on the corner of a fan as shown here:

Overall, though, great game! I can't wait to see what you do next!