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Fight evil robots in the demo of 'Citadel Stormer 2', a run & gun action platformer with a retro aesthetic!

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Hi all! I've just released the new demo for my 2D action platformer 'Citadel Stormer 2'.

The demo contains the first episode of the game, so that's 6 levels and a boss fight. If you like old school platformers with run & gun action, you'll enjoy this!

You can check it out here:

Here's a trailer showing content from the demo:

And here's the trailer for the FULL game, if you're interested:

I really laughed at the game's description. Well done!

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And then when we're happy with it, we can copy that to a game page. 

edit: Basically it will have the same functions as the current theme editor and game editor in the game page, but it will let you store a "look" (or maybe 2 or 3 looks).

It will also have an "apply to" function which lets you apply the look to the game page of your choosing. Also, the looks can be accessed from the game page itself and applied.

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CITADEL STORMER 2 is a fast paced 2D Action Platformer set in a world of killer robots! You play as a lone soldier with extraordinary combat skills who must take on the robotic army of a malicious A.I that is hellbent on ending human civilization! 

The game is still under development but there is a solid demo available! 

Download the Demo from the newly re-designed page at itch:

The demo's features are as follows:

- Old school Run & Gun platformer action.
- Contains 3 levels (the first World of the game). 
- 20+ minutes of playtime (played from start to finish without dying).
- 4 weapons with varying attack damage (1 melee + 3 guns).
- Bossfight at the end.
- Game save and load.  

If you have any feedback (good or bad) do let me know! Leave a message either here or at the game's page! Thank you!

If you like 2D action platformers, check out the demo of Citadel Stormer 2

- Old school Run & Gun platformer action.
- Contains 3 levels (the first World of the game). 
- 20+ minutes of playtime (played from start to finish without dying).
- 4 weapons with varying attack damage (1 melee + 3 guns).
- Bossfight at the end.
- Game save and load.

It's been a week. I'm bumping it back up. Hope that's allowed!

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Hi. I just released a demo (version 1.1) for my action platformer game "Citadel Stormer 2". The demo contains the first 3 levels and a boss battle (around 30-45 minutes of play) and should give you a solid idea about the gameplay style and mechanics you can expect in the final game.

Demo features:
1. Take on 3 levels of intense platforming action.
2. Fight past hordes of robot enemies and deadly traps. If you make it to the end, a giant boss awaits you!
3. Collect and use 4 weapons with varying attack damage.
4. Game save/load system lets you save your progress and come back to it later.
5. Brand new soundtrack composed for this game!


Here is the full gameplay video recorded by youtuber "ASWhaler Gamer"


hey check out the demo of my 2D action platformer game "Citadel Stormer 2".


It includes the first level and will give you at least 30 minutes of play, that is, assuming you don't beat it without losing any lives. If you enjoyed it, I'll tag you when I release my next demo which will be longer and contain more levels. :D

Hi Dark Dimension. Thanks for the reply.

I think my game was only "featured" on GJ because it made it to the "hot" page as a result of being downloaded a lot in a few days -- and not because the GJ admins decided to feature it (there's a separate section on GJ for that). So....making it to "hot" created a  positive feedback loop and helped my game get seen and downloaded a whole lot more. 

Yet, the opposite is true for me on itch. 

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So I started my game-page ( ) on June 21, 2020 to promote my 2D action platformer. On the same day, I uploaded a demo and decorated the game page with a logo, icons, background, carefully selected thumbnails, screenshots, gameplay video, write-up and all the relevant tags. I even started maintaining a devlog, to ensure that viewers and players know the status of the game. I also posted links to my gamepage on the itch forums. Sadly for me, it's been more than a month now, and I have only 100 views, 18 downloads and 2 follows.  And the "best" part is that for the last few weeks, it has not been making any impressions, so I guess the game has been buried completely and is not being seen in searches.  

On the other hand, on the same day that I started my game-page here, I uploaded the same demo (and the same write-up, thumbnails, screenshots, video, tags) on the rival site "GJ". And my numbers are significantly better over there -- 351 views, 133 downloads and 11 follows. My game was also featured at the top of the GJ "hot page" for a while. It still keeps getting downloaded a few times every week. Its doing better on GJ even though I don't have a devlog over there or even promote my game on their forums. 

Does any one here know why this is so?

Can someone take a look at my game-page and tell me if there is something wrong or lacking? Or if I have missed out something? 

Perhaps it could be because visitors to this site are not interested in demos and only want full games. Alright, but now my concern is that even if I do release the full game here and juice up my game-page with a wider variety of thumbnails and showcase the more interesting parts of the game, the game will still not get noticed because it's already been buried. I just don't see how my game would even be seen anymore. 

I fear that I blew the chance to make a good first impression and that there are no second chances. 

Should I just delete my game-page and re-make it when I release the full game?

Any answers would be appreciated.

hey check out the demo of my 2D action platformer game "Citadel Stormer 2". 


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" if the algorithm see that your game have a very low conversion rate will stop promoting it."

That's sad to hear.  :( 

My game page (and demo) has been up for 11 days. I am promoting it on 5 gaming forums, twitter, instagram and many subreddits.  I am showing GIFS, screenshots and playthrough videos. 

But still, my game page has only 60 views and 13 downloads.  Right now, it's getting only 0.63% click through rate. 

If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, or what I need to do. I'd like to hear it.

So I'm going to share progress/ new developments on my 2D platformer project "Citadel Stormer". Demo available here: 

UPDATES 29/6/20

1. New backgrounds. These have an "outdoor" feel. I quite like how it turned out. 

2. Backup weapon. Players complained of running out of ammo. So I made a Tazer gun that is useful in close range and can be used without an ammo limit.

3. Gold coins! If you collect a certain amount you get an extra life. 

4. Show case of existing weapons: Tazer, Submachine gun, Assault Rifle and Shotgun.

I will add these to the next version of the Demo, which I plan to release hopefully BEFORE mid-July.


- I am currently working on finishing the first zone. Each zone will have 3 stages and 1 boss room. I have one more level to complete and I can park it aside and work on the next zone.
- Boss design for zone 1.
- Level Layouts for Zone 2. I am doing those on paper right now.I  will share photos of those as soon as soon as I finalize something.

Youtube content creators, if you're interested in playing 2D action platformers, you should check out the demo of my game. 


Stop an evil AI that's wreaking havoc with it's army of killer robots!


Current gameplay features: 

- Simple straightforward old-school 2D platformer action.    
- Fight using 3 different guns with varying attack damage. (More guns will be added!)  
- Avoid hazards (instadeath spikes, electric bolts etc.)   
- Fight a variety of robot enemies.   
- Game save and load.


Hi. I'd like to share a demo of my upcoming 2D action platformer "Citadel Stormer"! I don't have a final release date yet, but I am fervently working to finalize the game and release it.

Stop an evil AI that's wreaking havoc with it's army of killer robots!


Current gameplay features: 

- Simple straightforward old-school 2D platformer action.   
- Fight using 3 different guns with varying attack damage. (More guns will be added!)  
- Avoid hazards (instadeath spikes, electric bolts etc.)  
- Fight a variety of robot enemies.  
- Game save and load.

As of now, I have included most of the game's core mechanics in the demo. The demo contains the first level of the game in it's entirety. For the purpose of the demo, I have included all 3 weapons in the first level. This will change in the final version.

Enjoy! And if you have any feedback please let me know!


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Stop an evil AI that's wreaking havoc with it's army of killer robots!


Current gameplay features: 

- Simple straightforward old-school 2D platformer action.  
- Fight using 3 different guns with varying attack damage. (More guns will be added!)  
- Avoid hazards (instadeath spikes, electric bolts etc.)  
- Fight a variety of robot enemies.  
- Game save and load.

As of now, I have included most of the game's core mechanics in the demo. The demo contains the first level of the game in it's entirety. For the purpose of the demo, I have included all 3 weapons in the first level. This will change in the final version.

Looking for any kinds of feedback or suggestions!!

very nice stuff.  Looks like you've been documenting your ideas very professionally. 

awesome! thanks! Gonna watch it now. :)

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hey. your game plays well. Nice pixel art and animations. 

The combat is excellent. 

The only issue IMO is the key mapping.

WASD for movement is fine. But 7,8, 9, <space> and <shift> for actions is a little uncomfortable and counter intuitive. The keys are all over the place and I need to do a bit of stretching to hit the right keys when I need to. Also pressing <shift> rapidly brings up sticky keys on my system. 

If you put the action keys as I,O,P and K instead, it would  make more sense ergonomically, as both my hands would be positioned close enough to each other.

EDIT : Nevermind.  I just discovered that you can customize the key mapping. :D

Other than that:

- it might be nice to have save points or the ability to save and load games.
- enemy health bars appear to be made with the default draw function in Gamemaker. Maybe you could use some sprites instead.
- tile work needs more work
- whats up with the tree attacking me? lol.

Anyway, good work. Hope you continue developing this.

Nice little game. Made it to level 12 and got stuck. I have no idea how to get past that orange enemy. Good stuff!

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Hi all!

I'd like to present my platformer game Citadel Stormer! I originally made this for the 34th GMC gamejam (Aug 22-26, 2019) but I am now releasing a more refined and fine tuned version of the game. I am very excited about this game as it's my very first release!

Basically, its a short little platformer (with a classic Gameboy look) in which you must:

  • Avoid spikes and lightning bolts
  • Fight robotic enemies
  • Find keys and flip switches to open doors
  • Perform Jumping challenges

You can download the full game (only 2MB!) for FREE from it's page:

Do please check it out! 

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Hi. I tried your game out. I have a few comments to make: 

1. I think there's an error in your controls. If I tap space bar, I can just fly away. 

2. It would be cool if there was an option where movement is mapped on the left hand side of the keyboard (WASD) and attacks on the right side (O,P,K and L). That's how it is on all console it might be a good idea to stick to tried and tested control system,

3. The jumps feel floaty but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. 

4. Nice visual style. It has that "vector graphics" look. But I think some detailing here and there would help. 

5. Music is very distracting.

Thanks for your feedback! I am implementing a back up weapon. 

Beautiful pixel work! Looks excellent. Controls are a little difficult!