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A member registered Apr 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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ah, ok. Thanks for responding! Still haven’t played it cause I forgot and the exact same problem happened again today XD Soon, though!

Looks similar to the program I use, Klystrack. Is it anything like that?

My laptop is in my room and my brother is asleep, so I can’t play this right now, but it’s def on my list! Not gonna ask why it’s called Nine Slice, as I expect the gameplay has something to do with the nine-slicing technique, but why are there Nintendo Switch support controls? Are you trying to get this on Switch?

interesting, thanks!

so glad it’s ending this year

hmmm… data got moved and now you can’t enter his house. I’ll have to fix that later

I don’t know how to feel about that reaction

np, is there ever gonna be more in the future?

replayed this for like the fifth time, still a fantastic game

Thanks! It’s not done yet, but I’m glad you like it!

Nvm I figured it out, but what is "three shear rotation"?

Lemme guess: this used to be “SETRIS”?

No problem, it's very useful and I've already used it quite a few times even though I just downloaded it today. And the ability to just get random or daily palettes as well is going to be very helpful for me and I can see myself using it very often

Could you explain more detailed what exactly this does? I don't quite understand it..

How exactly do I use the LCD effect? The scanlines don't really look like scanlines, and I have to manually move the overlays

Never mind, I just got Aseprite lol. Getting the extension now

Please tell me this works for libresprite

…age gap is insane

okey doke

Are you going to continue production on Scratch? Or are you moving the project to Godot?

it seems the double comment glitch has migrated to Itch

I am such a well behaved child /jk

the difference is they won’t KNOW I’m using another program

I see

that’s fine, I’ll get this when I eventually have aseprite

could you update for 4.0? I really need this plugin

Is it compatible with Libresprite? Currently saving up to get Aseprite, using Libresprite in the meantime

if you know of any OTHER Discord alternatives tho, I can see if I can use them

unfortunately, my parents don’t let me use discord. I used to use Meower to chat with people, but my parents made me delete my account cause I was spending “too much time” on it. If my parents ever let me get Discord I’ll tell you, or alternatively I’ll let you know when I’m allowed back on Meower

Yeah… is there really NO way you can be allowed back on? Cause I don’t think you deserve being banned




Whenever I open the devlogs itch crashes me out of them

“The developer has not uploaded a game yet”