I wanted to post a video thanking everyone for your support. There's still a couple days left for anyone who still wants to purchase the bundle.
Creator of
Recent community posts
Well, the submission process wouldn't necessarily need to start over again, just the approval processes, which honestly might even happen if we were to cut only the one individual, because the rules for bundles say that any change that influences the Split of other participants requires reapproval from everyone. I read that in the occurrence that someone needs cut from a bundle, I should reach out to, itch.io support, though I don't have much confidence in doing so as I've never gotten a response from them on anything. I could leave the current bundle open, just in case, but start a new one excluding that participant and see which one gets to launch faster. I do fear that something terrible may have happened with that person, I've reached out on all communication platforms I could and it's like he just dropped off the planet. Anyway, if you have additional items you'd like to add to the bundle, post the links to the project pages and if I start a fresh bundle I'll add them.
That particular participant has a lot of content and has made like 1,500+ posts, they seem pretty active, however their last post was over 2 weeks ago so wondering if something unfortunate happened. I looked around the backend and couldn't figure out how to prune participants, but this is my first bundle so not terribly familiar with all the workings of it. If someone more familiar knows how to do it I'm open to the info. Worst case I could simply start a new bundle, excluding that particular person and extend the length of the sale to make up for time lost on this one. But I think I should give him just a bit more time before doing anything drastic
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
Hi, you submitted to this bundle: https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle
Just wanted to remind you to look it over and give your approval so we can move forward with the launch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at jamesjeffries81@yahoo.com
James Jeffries
hi everyone, sorry for the delay getting the bundle going, had to travel to NC and have no internet at my moms house. I got the bundle set up and this should be the approval link https://itch.io/b/2741/unstoppable-bundle, keep in mind that you need to be logged in to get to the page.
Hi everyone,
I apologize for the delay getting this thing rolling, Ive been waiting for itch.io staff to create the bundle for me but the helpful folks on discord informed me that its much faster and easier to just set it up myself. So im waiting for one more participant who asked for late submission links, but then we are going to get this show on the road. So hopefully we can get approval links out to everyone by the end of the weekend.
Thanks Again everyone,
James Jeffries
I hear you, and I appreciate the sentiment. I chose to do the split for a couple reasons, first there may be people who are interested in getting a split, which is fine, I hold the opinion that there's no wrong reason to do a good deed. Secondly, I was worried that setting up a bundle where I claim everything for my mom would come off as seeming like a scam, which I didn't want. Especially if it somehow becomes a roaring success and I raise more than I could need for the cause, which I don't even know what amount that might be since there's so much to do to the house and medical care is so expensive, but if by chance it does raise a ridiculous amount of money, I don't want to be seen as greedy or anything. I'm new to selling and making bundles here on itch.io, so there may be a way for people to forfeit their cut if they don't want it, I have no idea how to do that. But my solution is that if anyone want's their cut to go to the cause, I have a couple of assets on the marketplace that people can purchase at whatever amount they wish, and the proceeds of that will certainly go to helping the cause.
I think my biggest thing is that I've been amongst the gaming community for over 20 years, but because I'm so introverted and busy all the time, no-one really knows me. at the end of the day, I want to be able to call you all my friends. I want to be able to work with people and collaborate on projects, etc. So it's important to me to not tarnish my reputation before I have one.
With that said, I did receive disciplinary action for "spamming" people's comments. Which I did do, and I apologize to anyone who found it distasteful. Given the circumstances of my situation, I felt desperate to obtain as many submissions as possible, which led me to take actions that I normally wouldn't have taken. However, it did work and I received submissions that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I will say that anyone who got an invitation to the bundle in their comments section, it was truly because I think your product is cool, my invitations weren't just randomly shotgunned out to everyone I saw.
Anyway, I'll end here, still plenty to do.
James Jeffries
Because Open Submission Bundles use the Game Jam system, after submissions I have to create an empty bundle and send the links for that bundle and the game jam to itch.io staff to transfer everything over and set everything up. After that everyone who submitted to the bundle will have to confirm one more time that they want their items included in the bundle., I believe itch.io sends out an email for this purpose. Once everyone approves the bundle, it will go live. Keep in mind I've never done this process before, so hopefully it goes well without any issues. I'm planning on including everything submitted, but I'll go through everything before I submit to itch.io just to make sure. I appreciate the help, I'm planning to market the living crap out of this bundle so hopefully everyone will get the exposure they deserve and maybe make some money in the end.
It's been brought to my attention that many content creators get a lot of requests to join bundles or provide products for free in the name of seemingly noble causes, that often turn out to be scams. With this brought to my attention, I would like to do what i can to put anyone's mind a little more at ease.
I mentioned that prior to the stroke my mom was involved in a minor accident in an IGA Parking lot, the car sat in the parking lot for over a week until I traveled to NC when i got word she had had a stroke. After I found the car there i spoke to the manager to confirm that it wouldnt be towed before i could get another driver to help me bring it home. This can all be confirmed with the information below, for anyone wanting to double check.
The IGA in question is:
Carly C's IGA located at 3501 N Main St, Hope Mills, NC 28348, (910) 425-9440
The Car in question is"
2011 Chevy HHR, Gray
After the stroke, My mom was transported from the IGA to Cape Fear Valley Hospital in Fayetteville, NC. She was there for about 2 weeks before being sent to Highland House Rehabilitation Facility and Placed in Room 75. Which is where she is now.
Highland House Rehabilitation and Healthcare
1700 Pamalee Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28301, (910) 488-2295
As for the house, it is located at 4805 Cameron Rd, Hope Mills NC 28348 and the deed is in the of Pamela Faye Jeffries, my Mom.
As for me, my name is James Jeffries, I live in Sherrodsville, Ohio. I have a Wife, a Daughter(13) and a Son(6). I'm 43 Years old and I work as a construction laborer for a company called ACG Structures based in Carrollton, Ohio.
More information about me can be found at the links below:
In order to be fully transparent, I want to disclose that there is also a gofundme page set up to raise money for the same purpose, but as of this update there's not been a single contribution and i've chaulked that campaign up as a failure. the link to that is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-my-mom-pam-recover-and-restore-her-home-after-st...
I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed so far, and i hope that this puts people's minds at ease. Again, i'm open to provide any more information or answer any questions anyone might have.
submissions have nearly doubled since yesterday when i posted. I've noticed that larger bundles seem to do better on here and the larger and more monetarily valuable the bundle is, the more likely My marketing efforts will be successful. Since i really need this campaign to work and I want to make sure everyone gets a worthwhile reward for helping me, im trying to go as big as possible. Thanks for the support.
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to reach out here and ask for help from anyone who has games, assets, tools, etc. on Itch.io. I'm trying to build a large bundle to help raise money for my mom who had a severe stroke back in August. Things have been rough since then and trying to get help has been difficult. There's a good bit to the story, if you're interested in helping you can check out the bundle submission page here.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate you,
James Jeffries
I've decided to extend the submission deadline. There's a couple of reasons why I'm doing this, First, I took a trip to NC to check on my mom and her property over the weekend, which means that I was not able to begin the process of submitting all the necessary information over to the Itch.io staff to get the bundle assembled. Secondly, due to time constraints at work, I've been unable to manage and promote this bundle the way I would like, So I figured I'd try to refocus a bit and give myself more time to do this the way I originally intended to. The goal is to Gather as many submissions as possible, with preferably more Tools, Assets and Games, Then once the bundle launches, I've got a number of resources available to promote it as much as possible.
On another note, I visited my Mom while I was in North Carolina, Her speech has improved some and I noticed that she was able to look left while talking to me. However, On my last visit, before she went to the rehabilitation facility, the Therapist at the hospital had her walking the halls, so the minor improvements that I noticed this time don't seem to amount to much in comparison as she is now immobile and the nurses say they haven't seen her out of bed or a wheel chair since she's gotten there. The Ultimate goal is to get her home, but there's a lot that needs done before that can happen, hence part of the reason I'm creating this bundle. Anyway, Thanks to everyone who has participated so far, and to those that will be joining in the near future.
James Jeffries
Thank you, I appreciate it, and sorry for the delayed response, been building 2 Dunkin Donut locations at work, plus think ive got more than a touch of bronchitis, so been a bit of a rough week. But i did get a chance to add one of my assetts to the bundle, a stone knife, more to come as i get the time. Anyway, thanks again.
Sure, anything is welcome, and appreciated, I'm going to be putting in some 3D Assets and hopefully some other stuff i can dig out of my archives, and I'm hoping to have 1.0 of my Texture Channel Packer program ready in time as well, so it really is just going to be an assortment of different things.
This looks very cool. Just want to point out a small nit-pick, this is more of a freerunning template as parkour is designed to overcome obstacles in the most efficient way possible while maintaining forward movement. Parkour doesnt make use of flips or fancy moves unless they are necessary, free running is fancier and lets the runner show off. Either way, good job and very cool.