Glad you appreciate the game :). Ye, the arrows itself would indicate that you will let the enemies take damage (and kill them). Maybe throwing rocks makes more sense haha
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Totally agree about the amount of polish the game needs. We did need some time to get the dungeon generator code working and lacked some time for overall polish. I can still see the player controls working if the player has some more freedom to shoot the arrow and if the controls are introduced in a nice way.
Glad you like the idea :>. We didn't have enough time to test/tweak the dungeon generating code. If we did have some more time, we would probably have opted for rooms that are more closely connected and a faster ramp up in the speed of an enemy (or the amount of enemies spawned in a room). Regarding the weapon that only can shoot forward, we did have a way in mind to upgrade or buy weapons in a shop like fashion with the gold you collect in each level. As it is now, I don't see a good enough reason for the weapon to shoot only forward other than the title of the game could imply (as the controls are already a bit harder than normal). Finally, the mechanic could indeed work well together with some puzzle like aspects.