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A member registered Dec 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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There is a sound effect for stepping into water (except for when water is generated on your square), but not for losing HP since they usually go hand in hand and adding another sfx for HP might cause the audio to be too crowded. Maybe a visual effect could be interesting... Still, thanks for playing!

That's hilarious! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself haha!

Thanks for playing!

Yep... that is a bug that happens due to the input event detection being really wonky... pygame is weird haha. Was trying to find a fix but simply ran out of time. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Yea it does get really luck heavy once you get to the later levels but we just didn't have time to incorporate any "skill based" things... We had ideas floating around but just not enough time as we were picking up pygame for the first time!