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A member registered Sep 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Mmm not sure if there's much I can do since that's something handled by Pico8. But I'll try updating with a new Pico8 version.

In any case, we are seriously considering a remake in a different engine so we can publish on more systems, and we plan to give it away for everyone who purchased the current version! 

Oh. So it's only on the PC version? Windows? Linux? Mac?

Glad you like it!

What's the problem with controllers?

That is not a bad idea AT ALL! Will sseriously consider it :)

Oh. Thanks! Glad you liked it :D

Which is quite realistic if you think about it :D But yeah, it can happen

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I am sorry you feel that way. The game is simple enough: left, right, jump or stay still. Hit-hit-hit or block. That's it. It's a simple game inspired by arcade games from way back. Sorry we couldn't add rebinding or a tutorial, we are a small team and our resources are very limited :(

Lol NOOO But better than some remakes, on the other hand... hehe Thanks!

Thanks for playing!! In that 7DRL version you were so overpowered. Stamina allows you to move several times per turn, so unless you do it really wrong, humans don't even have time to shoot! :D

We indeed worked a bit more on this game, adding more enemies (flamethrowes, turrets, synthetics...), skills (acid spit, circular attack) and using air ducts is required to survive (press F on an air vent!), and stamina works in a very different way. But life got in the way and the project had to be stopped :( Hope we get back to it soon!

That was a year ago! The game IS on Steam now :D

Thanks! We were indeed working on una update with more enemies (5 already), new layouts and background tiles, animations and skills for the alien (3 already). But we had to stop because life and other projects requiring our attention! We will come back to this one at some point, though :D

Thanks for playing! source is in the Ludum Dare site! But I will gladly answer any question you have :)

Thanks for playing! Hope you like it when we finish it, too ^_^

jeje, ¡qué buena sorpresa! Muchas gracias por jugar :D

Glad you like it! We are already working on a larger (though not much) version with more enemies and player-driven progression (so you choose which stat to improve).  Thanks for playing!

We are already planning a big update, which will revamp UI and add content. Needs some refactoring first, though :D

Yes, but it also cancels previous animations and begin new animations whenever you press the keyboard, except for certain actions like attacks. So you can move as fast as you want (almost) ^-^ No worries, thanks for the comment!

mmm That would only happen if you end up next to a dog with your stamina depleted, so it's the enemy's turn!

Oh, you found it slow? But you can move as fast as you want! The moment you press it moves! 

Will check it, just in case. Thanks for playing!

He, indeed, this could be perfectly done on Pico-8! : ) Moreover, the code base is LUA!

Sooo many things didn't make it! That was one of them! Indeed, that's why dogs are there, so they would bark when hearing you lurking in the air ducts. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!! That way of smacking was in my original plans but had to cut it. If I come back to this game I'll add it! Will probably update soon but just to add a biting animation to snakes ':)

Glad you like solved it!

It's not a port, as in it's not even close to the original game. It's more like... how I remember when I played as a kid ^-^ Never got to add the trains and bridges, though.

Well, sorry, but this is the only notification I got today! When did you buy it? In any case, I fear it's itchio technical service, not me, who can help you : )

No, sorry, I don't usually do it : )

That's cool! But why don't you just link to the game at the author's site? Just in case players want to pay for the game to the original author...

This is the second game for which you ask me for the source code. Why do you need it? :?

¡No había visto este comentario! Muchísimas gracias, me alegro de que te gustara. Opino lo mismo de los juegos educativos o divulgativos, por lo general cojean en cuanto a ser juegos. ¡Gracias por jugar!

Thanks for playing! It was my first game in Pico8! :D

Ah, will check that issue. Thanks!

And I think I'll add some more text to that first pop-up to explain movement (I know there are better ways, but it's OK for the current scope)

I wouldn't mind adding content, I like how it plays! But I also think there's not much more to it without adding new game mechanics. My early plans included multiple locations, more enemies and weapons, skill checks (like classic eings to fly through) But keeping in mind it's a game made for a movie festival, I kept it shot. Last year's game (Nosferatu: Rites of the Skull Cult, also in this itchio account) ended up being way too big! :D

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Not really, why? I'll update if bugs are found, but it's a short game for a film festival :)

Control takes a while because of rotation speed, but does it make sense? Once you understand that you can't turn as fast as you want - because the plane can't, at first, it makes sense, doesn't it? Or is it the 'point somewhere and the plane goes there' way of controlling the plane?

In the original idea Kong traveled around the globe climbing well known towers, but that would require a larger budget to add new weapons, enemies, locations... 

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Thanks for playing! Indeed, the plane takes its time to turn at first. But if you level it up it will turn much faster!

Done :D

Thanks for playing! (Y otro abrazo desde Tenerife) :D

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I hide it so you can enjoy your frog, but it's true that it would make things easier to understand! Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Not the best place to drive, indeed : )

Not in real life, right? RIGHT?

I seriously hope you mean just in this game!

Lol, can be read that way, yes.