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I didn't see the connection with the theme but it's cool to see a horror game. The "dirty" style works well ! 

Really nice. maybe not very clear at first, but I liked the experience :)

L'idée est sympa, c'est beau, et agréable à jouer. Petite remarque cependant pour l'utilisation de la souris en plus du clavier, c'était pas opti. Mais sinon très bonne réalisation ! 

Yes, it’s not easy when you’re not used to playing 3D games, but we have to admit that playability isn’t the game’s strong point, unfortunately. We’re really happy you enjoyed it nonetheless! :)

Thank you for your constructive feedback! :) We are aware of the playability issue. it was a challenging detail to address with the concept, and unfortunately, we ran out of time... Glad you still enjoyed the experience despite that :)

merci ! :)

Thank you for your feedback. We know about this; we ran out of time to address these details. Sorry XD. Thanks for playing the game!

Thank you for your feedback. We’ll fix it as soon as we can. :)